29 Sept 2024

The Kamala Investigation Continues

Candace Owens: The Kamala Investigation continues and we get new updates in the Diddy case.

It's Puzzling Why We're Told Fraud In Transgenderism Is Never Possible

But in the grip of this overwhelming need to demand belief, they lose sight of the fact that there are bound to be cases where we - and they, too - should not believe...

Authored by John Ellis: Fraud is a permanent part of life. There will always be people who seek illicit advantage by representing themselves as something they are not or promising to do something they don’t intend to do. No area of human life is immune: Financiers, doctors, teachers, car mechanics, plumbers, bridegrooms—there will always be frauds among them. So it’s puzzling when we are told that there is one area of human life where fraud can’t exist.

Transgender activists tell us that if a man says he is a woman, we absolutely must believe him - always, without exception. Let’s be clear about what this means. Even if we were to accept the entirety of the transgender thesis that men can become women if they sincerely believe they are, it still doesn’t follow that every transgender claim must be accepted as genuine. To decide in principle, without scrutiny of the individual case, that not a single transgender claim may be doubted, would make transgenderism unique in human affairs. You can question anything else that someone says, but not this.


Is it because nobody could gain an illicit advantage by claiming to be transgender?