30 Sept 2024

”Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Are Neo Con Artist WARMONGERS!” Jimmy Dore DESTROYS The Democrats

Russell Brand: Today I talk to the great comedian and cultural commentator Jimmy Dore in a must-see interview, as he explosively destroys the Democrat party as the party of war, tears down the media, and discusses the CIA and assassination attempts on President Trump. You’ve gotta see this!

Iran President Indicates Gigantic Trouble Coming; Says Of U.S. And E.U. "They Lied"

Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian: 'The United States and Europe claimed that a ceasefire in Gaza would be reached if Iran delayed the response to Ismael Haniyeh's assassinationthey lied.'

By Hal Turner: It is sad to see how weak-minded the new Iranian President has been, given what he already knew was the reality.

After 45 years of US and European animosity towards Iran and the Palestinians, he still decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe their 'promises.' 

The leaders of Western Countries are not "men."  They have no "honor."  They say whatever they need to say to achieve THEIR goals.  Most of them are, factually, Sociopaths.  No one else and no other goals matter to them. At all. Ever.

President Pezeshkian has no-one to blame except himself. The Supreme Leader of Iran gave a direct order for retaliation, and Pezeshkian decided to go against this order simply because the US and Europe promised him something.

This is why the West cannot be trusted. Even the most basic pea-brained individuals in the Middle East understand this, but somehow the Iran PRESIDENT did not. 

He does now.

Why Are Older Men Rejecting Dating? Here Are The Real Reasons

Ask An Older Man

What The WOKE Fuck Is This? + Birmingham is a Shithole

m o d e r n i t y

Jew Nobbled British Brainwashing Cunts BBC weaponising Lebanon Reporting To Help Disguise Israel’s Genocide

Western publics are being subjected to an unprecedented campaign of Jew nobbled media propaganda to conceal Israels true goals as it expands the slaughter of indigenous Christians and Muslims and their children

By Jonathan Cook: The more Israel expands its war across the Middle East, the more the Jew nobbled western media intensifies its war on our minds. 

Establishment media outlets like the BBC are weaponising the language of their reporting against audiences no less effectively than Israel weaponised primitive pieces of technology against the people of Lebanon. 

Thousands of Lebanese were maimed by exploding pagers and walkie-talkies last week. Likewise, the media coverage is mangling the ability of western publics to understand how and why Israel is dangerously stoking fires across the region. 

Words like “audacious”, “escalation” and “targets” have become tools to conceal meaning, not to illuminate – and for good reason. Because Israel’s actions are so obviously criminal, so obviously horrifying, so obviously genocidal. Language becomes a weapon to hide the truth.

James Corbett Dissects The Food Crisis

via SLOBODNI podcast: James Corbett appears on the SLOBODNI podcast on Z1 TV in Croatia to discuss the Future of Food, the transformation of the food supply, the attack on farming and farmers, and what we can do about this threat.

Putin Proved Me Correct

'If there is peace with Russia, the military/security complex loses its enemy, which means its power and its budget.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: For years I have warned that Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine would result in increasing Western intervention until the conflict spins out of control. That has now happened.

NATO’s Secretary General and the British Prime Minister have given a green light to NATO firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine. The green light is subject to Washington’s veto. Zelensky, the Ukrainian dictator whose term as president has expired, was reportedly recently in Washington lobbying the Biden regime to give its approval.

Be sure you understand what Zelensky is lobbying the Biden regime to do. If the Biden regime gives the go-ahead, Europe, the US, and Ukraine will be destroyed.

Here is Putin’s statement. It is a back-to-the-wall statement, as I predicted it would be:

“Aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is to be considered as a joint attack on the Russian Federation.”

So, as I correctly predicted would be the case, a never-ending conflict that drew in the West to increasingly provocative participation has spun out of control. So far everything Washington said would not be done has been done. The final red line is NATO sending missiles into Russia. If this no-no also becomes a yes-yes “because Putin never responds,” war is upon us.

How To Spot A Conspiracy Theorist + Hobson's Arse