9 Jun 2024

Host Goes Silent When Doctor Admits Bird Flu LEAKED From A Lab

"Bird Flu was a gain of function manipulation that leaked from a lab!"

Redacted: The current strain of bird flu come from a lab leak! A new study shows that is the case. Now the WHO says that the first person has died from bird flu and health experts say that we need to start testing animals with PCR tests. Stop me if think you’ve heard this one before. Dr. Kelly Victory joins us to discuss.

Tokyo Government Dating App Helps Residents Get Laid To Avoid Population Collapse

"The declining birthrate is in a critical situation..."

By Tyler Durden: Officials in Tokyo, Japan are launching a new dating app to help promote marriage and boost the collapsing national birth rate.

The fee-based app from the Tokyo Metropolitan government will ask people to prove that they are legally single, and sign a letter confirming their willingness to get married. It will also require that people submit a tax certificate slip that proves their annual income, along with roughly 15 other items of personally identifying information - including height, weight, educational background and occupation following a mandatory interview with the app's operator.

So - Match.com, only you give all of your data to the government instead of a private company.

According to the Independent, Tokyo officials allocated US$1.2 million towards the development of dating apps in 2023, and US$1.9 million for fiscal 2024 for the purpose of promoting marriage through said apps.

"If there are many individuals interested in marriage but unable to find a partner, we want to provide support," a Tokyo official told The Asahi Shimbun.

Protecting The Jews' Crimes Against Humanity - No Gaza Question On BBC Leaders’ Debate Raises Questions

"The BBC says that the Jewish Israel regime's genocide against Christians and Muslims in Gaza is not important."

Janta Ka Reporter: Rifat Jawaid is back with another hard-hitting question aimed at his former employer as he raises questions on the Jew nobbled BBCs decision to not include a question on Gaza in its leadersdebate, that aired on Friday night.

"Truth About Office Affairs: 'Work Husband' Destroyed Her Marriage" + Being A HOE Is Now Considered OK In The West!

"We have tons of words that women use to tamper down debauchery and bad behaviour. Of course when men do it they're nothing but a dog."

Ask An Older Man

Russell Brands Talks With Donald Trump Jr. About His Father's Verdict, 2024 Election And The Future Of America


The Acolyte - A Hilarious DUMPSTER FIRE In Space


Piers Morgan FLIPS On Israel

Sabby Sabs

Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS About Macron's Calling For STRIKING The Russian Homeland

The Strategist: Professor John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses the Ukraine conflict, critiquing Macron's support for Ukrainian attacks on Russian targets. He explores the escalation risks, U.S. involvement, and the West's struggle to dominate escalation. Mearsheimer also delves into great power politics, criticizing Western-promoted color revolutions and emphasizing nationalism and sovereignty.

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy... Bombs also make people rich...

Authored by David Vine -Therisa (ISA) Arriola: We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy.

Bombs also make people rich.

When a bomb explodes, someone profits. And when someone profits, bombs claim more unseen victims. Every dollar spent on a bomb is a dollar not spent saving a life from a preventable death, a dollar not spent curing cancer, a dollar not spent educating children. That’s why, so long ago, retired five-star general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower rightly called spending on bombs and all things military a “theft.”

The perpetrator of that theft is perhaps the world’s most overlooked destructive force. It looms unnoticed behind so many major problems in the United States and the world today. Eisenhower famously warned Americans about it in his 1961 farewell address, calling it for the first time “the military-industrial complex,” or the MIC.

Start with the fact that, thanks to the MIC’s ability to hijack the federal budget, total annual military spending is far larger than most people realizearound $1,500,000,000,000 ($1.5 trillion). Contrary to what the MIC scares us into believing, that incomprehensibly large figure is monstrously out of proportion to the few military threats facing the United States. One-and-a-half trillion dollars is about double what Congress spends annually on all non-military purposes combined.

Calling this massive transfer of wealth a “theft” is no exaggeration, since it’s taken from pressing needs like ending hunger and homelessness, offering free college and pre-K, providing universal health care. Virtually every major problem touched by federal resources could be ameliorated or solved with fractions of the cash claimed by the MIC. The money is there.

Double Feature: Hungarian PM Says The Danger Of A New World War Is Growing And A New Enemies List

Those opposed to the war have been placed on a new enemies list, a successor to PropOrNot.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Prime Minister of Hungary agrees that the West is close to the point of no return in the Ukrainian conflict and that a clash with Russia Looms.

According to the prime minister, the danger of a new world war is growing

BUDAPEST, June 7. /TASS/: Western countries are dangerously close to the point of no return in the conflict in Ukraine, right on the doorstep of a direct military clash with Russia, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told Kossuth Radio.

Commenting on the continued escalation of the Ukrainian conflict, the head of government said: "As for any last chance of turning back, we are very close to the point of no return, when it will no longer be possible to turn back." Orban sees the tough talk coming from the leaders of the European Union and NATO countries as only fanning the flames, in particular the threats of the French president to hand over military aircraft to Ukraine. At the same time, the prime minister pointed out that Russia is also making extremely harsh statements against the US and its allies.