27 May 2024

Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry..."

By Tyler Durden: It's yet another reminder of why blindly 'trusting the science' may not always be the best go-to move in the future.

217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches",  Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"

According to Nova's post, professional cheating services are employing AI to craft seemingly "original" academic papers by shuffling around words. For instance, terms like "breast cancer" morphed into "bosom peril," and a "naïve Bayes" classifier turns into "gullible Bayes."

Similarly, in one paper, an ant colony was bizarrely rebranded as an "underground creepy crawly state." 

The misuse of terminology extends to machine learning, where a 'random forest' is whimsically translated to 'irregular backwoods' or 'arbitrary timberland'.

Nova writes that shockingly, these papers undergo peer review without any rigorous human oversight, allowing egregious errors, like converting 'local average energy' to 'territorial normal vitality', to slip through.

Exposing The Orwellian CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media

"Hire the Alethea Group..." Alethea is a boutique consultancy that specializes on disinformation and counter-messaging operations.

By Tyler Durden: While the CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, a bombshell new "Twitter Files" report reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm, along with "former" intelligence community (IC) and CIA analysts, were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter's content management system, as Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag report over at Shellenberger's Public (subscribers can check out the extensive 6,800 word report here).

According to "thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents," these efforts were part of a broader strategy to manage how information is disseminated and consumed on social media under the guise of combating 'misinformation' and foreign propaganda efforts - as this complex of government-linked individuals and organizations has gone to great lengths to suggest that narrative control is a national security issue.

A Glimpse Into The Near Future - PCR Interviewed By Costantino Ceoldo

'The ongoing war in the Russian-speaking territories of the Donbas and the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Jewish executioners.'

By Costantino Ceoldo: In just a few months, the future of years of the so-called “collective West” and thus, inevitably, of the entire world will be decided. Making predictions about the future is not easy and often one is resoundingly proved wrong by events, but I nevertheless tried to do so with Paul Craig Roberts, whom many readers will remember for his sharp and in-depth knowledge of American politics.

The following interview starts with two necessary questions on Covid, because it was as if the epidemic had been deliberately imposed on the whole of humanity and not only by media means. It continues by dwelling on the ongoing war in the Russian-speaking territories of the Donbas and the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Jewish executioners. In this regard, it is worth recalling the hypocritical Western approach and the American pressure on the International Criminal Court not to judge the actions of the Zionist entity, whose current leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, justifies the immense bloodbath before our eyes by citing Deuteronomy and the massacre of Amalek.

Palestinian Freedom Fighters Say They Captured Members Of The Jewish Israel Death Forces [IDF] In Ambush

The Jewish Israel Death Forces IDF were quick to deny the claim, the Freedom Fighters release video.

Via Middle East Eye: Hamas said Palestinian freedom fighters captured members of the Israel death forces IDF in an ambush inside Gaza mega concentration camp on Saturday, a claim denied by the evil Jews. 

Abu Obaida, spokesman for the group's armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, said freedom fighters killed, wounded or captured members of the IDF during fighting in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.

He did not say how many had been abducted and provided no further information about their identities. He said more details would follow soon. 

"Our fighters lured a Zionist force into an ambush inside a tunnel ... The fighters withdrew after they left all members of the force dead, wounded, and captured," Abu Obaida said in a recorded message broadcast by Al Jazeera early on Sunday.

The Jews were quick to deny the claim. "The IDF (Israel Death Forces) clarifies that there is no incident in which a soldier was abducted," a military spokesperson said in a statement.

Abu Obaida's message was followed by a video released [warning: graphic]

Why Does A Man Have To Pay For A Woman's Femininity? Lets Talk Money!

Ask An Older Man

How The Jews Cucked The United States



"Cease Fire Now!
