21 Jul 2024

Biden Drops Out!

Candace Owens: All the news and reactions to the big announcement from Joe Biden.

British MP Asks For Support In Helping ICC And ICJ Uphold International Law Against The Genocidal Land Thieving Jews

“It is for judges and the judiciary to have the time and reflection to make their considerations and it is for the politicians to step back and respect them in that process”. -Lammy

Middle East Eye: UK member of parliament, Melanie Ward, welcomed Foreign Secretary David Lammy's announcement that the UK government will restore funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa). Ward called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urged the foreign secretary to support the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Lammy responded that he believes “in the separation of powers”, saying: “It is for judges and the judiciary to have the time and reflection to make their considerations and it is for the politicians to step back and respect them in that process”.

Super Cool MEP Ewa Hernik...

"We Europeans are becoming poorer and poorer because of you [Ursula von der Leyen]! You have invited illegal migrants who rape and pillage and make women and children feel unsafe and you should be in prison." Said MEP Ewa Hernik

VideoParliament Ireland: Plenary Session from 18th July.

"We Need Young MEN To Rise Up Right Now" Globalists Are TERRIFIED

"A lot of Western lame-stream culture has been weaponised against men and masculinity! ...Men have retreated into online spaces. the manosphere, the red pill community, the blogosphere. Men have been denied their role of being useful, because of the financialization of the economy, because of open borders and mass immigration and they've been treated with hostility and suspicion by the opposite sex, because of feminism. Men are finally beginning to push back!"

Redacted: Something stunning is happening young men around the world are rising up against the globalist WEF agenda. After decades of being dormant, a new generation of masculine men are saying enough is enough we are joined by special guest, Cameron Macgregor from the youtube channel: Men in the City.

This Is Why Electricity Costs Twice As Much In Britain As In The US

They want Britain to be a world leader in Net Zero and dont care about the price the rest of us have to pay for this utterly pointless ambition...

Authored by Dr. John Fernley: The peak electricity demand in Britain is in the winter when we need to heat our homes, offices, shops, warehouses, factories etc. But in the winter solar farms produce almost no electricity in Britain. This is because it is dark for around 16 hours a day and when the Sun does appear it is weak and usually hidden behind thick cloud. Solar energy may make sense in some countries, for example the countries of North Africa, but building solar farms in Britain is completely brainless.

The new Energy Secretary Ed Milliband has just given the green light to the biggest solar farm in the U.K. He claims that building the Sunnica solar farm in East Anglia will “cut bills for families”. As is often the case with politicians, the opposite is true. Because solar farms produce almost no electricity in the winter there will need to be back-up electricity generation. So essentially two electricity generation facilities will have to be built and operated, one for the summer and one for the winter. This will increase electricity bills for families not cut them.

Subsidies to companies operating solar farms and wind farms is one of the reasons electricity bills in Britain are already amongst the highest in the world. We pay five times as much for our electricity as China and twice as much as the USA. The pain that these high bills cause British families is of no concern to the small group of eco-zealots in Government and the TV news who peddle scare stories about global warming and tell half-truths about the cost of renewables.

Threat To Trump ISN'T Over - Benny Johnson + "Somewhat Hysterical" Media Response To Possible US VP J.D. Vance

Russell Brand: The one and only Benny Johnson at the RNC! Today we speak about how the Republican Party has evolved over time and whether George W. Bush should be condemned, how Biden believes himself to be a God, the miraculous revival of Donald Trump, the secret ‘sucker fish’ who control all political parties in Washington DC, and how it was for Benny Johnson growing up Christian back in Iowa.

Ultra Processed Foods Make Up 2/3rds Of Diet For Kids In Britain, New Study Reveals

These foods have been linked to increase risk of obesity and heart disease...

By Tyler Durden: Two thirds of the calories children in Britain are getting are coming from "ultra processed" foods, new research suggests.

Ultra-processed foods include ice cream, processed meats, chips, mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits and sodas. They make up a "significant proportion" of the diet of kids 11 to 18, according to the Independent

These foods have been linked to increase risk of obesity and heart disease, the report notes, due to their high levels of saturated far, salt and sugar additives.

The Independent reported that ultra-processed foods often contain additives like preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial colors and flavors that are not commonly used in home cooking.

A study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition by the University of Cambridge and the University of Bristol analyzed four-day food diaries from nearly 3,000 children aged 11 to 18, from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey between 2008 and 2019.

Orwellian Labour’s New Agenda - Four Things Everyone Is Missing + These Five 1984 Predictions Came True

"Labour are turning Britain into a high tech mass surveillance state."

Big Brother Watch: From AI regulation to Digital ID verification… Here are four overlooked details set out in Labour’s new agenda set out in the King's Speech this week.