6 Sept 2024

Shabbos Goy RFK Jr. Attacks Candace Owens For Dumb As A Post Self Centred Racist Jew Shmuley

Candace Owens: RFK Jr. comes after me following my debate with Rabbi Shmuley and the DOJ alleges Russia funded a US media company linked to some prominent online conservative voices.

RUSSIAGATE HOAX 2.0 BEGINS! Kamala's Russian Playbook Returns - Here We Go Again, Folks!

"The normalisation of censorship!"

Russell Brand

Australian Men Are Getting Screwed + #MeToo Attack

"Zealots [feminists] have marched into our bedrooms wearing Jackboots!"

Short version of Bettina Arndt's presentation to the Presumption of Innocence Conference, speaking about injustice in Jew nobbled Aussie courts.

You Can’t Arm A Genocidal People Into Moderation - So Why Does The West Keep Trying?

Jew captured western governments will never isolate and sanction Israel. The Jews' war machine will roll on until either we stop it or its lethal games blow up in all our faces

By Jonathan Cook: There are many reasons Gaza has been mostly off the radar of the western establishment media for months now, even as the enclave turns into an ever-bigger killing zone.

One is that, nearly a year into what the World Court has termed a “plausible genocide”, where Israel has kept out western journalists and killed off most Palestinian journalists, as well as driving out international aid organisations and the United Nations, there is almost no one left to tell us what is happening.

We have only snapshots of individual suffering, but not the big picture. How many Palestinians are dead? We know there are at least 40,000 killed by Israel – the deaths recorded by Palestinian officials before the health system collapsed. But how many more? Double that figure? Quadruple it? Times it by 10? The truth is, no one knows.

What about the famine in Gaza that has been raging for many, many months as Israel has systematically blocked aid into the enclave, in line with its promise last October to deny the Palestinians there food, water and power?

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, has requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, because the pair’s starvation of Gaza is a crime against humanity.

But the prolonged famine is presented as a near-victimless crime. Where are the dead from this famine? They are certainly not on our TV screens or on our front pages.

Russia Avoids 'Kursk Trap' As Troops Poised To Take Pokrovsk

Putin: "The enemy weakened itself in key areas, our army has accelerated its offensive operations."

By Tyler Durden: President Putin has continued to downplay Ukraine's major Kursk invasion, which has resulted in Russian territory occupied by Kiev forces, and has instead maintained that capturing and holding all the Donbass in eastern Ukraine remains the goal.

"We have to deal with these thugs who made it into Russia," he said at an event while visiting Russia's east on Thursday. He's yet to launch a broader general mobilization despite the assault on Kursk and the border region. 

He presented the Kursk operation as essentially a trap which he will not fall into. "The aim of the enemy [in Kursk] was to force us to worry, hustle, divert troops and to stop our offensive in key areas, especially in the Donbas, the liberation of which is our main primary objective," Putin described at a forum in Vladivostok.

Putin further painted a picture of the Kursk operation already having backfired on the Zelensky government. He said Ukraine's leadership sent "quite well-prepared units" into Kursk - but this only served to allow for Russia to make a quicker advance in Donetsk.

Pandemic Babies And Polio Peace

Story #1: In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening To Your Phones Microphone To Serve Ads For Stuff You Mention https://uk.news.yahoo.com/leak-facebook-partner-brags-listening-160032383.html

As Elon Musk’s Battle With Brazilian Government Intensifies, Another Of His Companies Facing Trouble https://archive.is/8WICc

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch https://corbettreport.com/how-to-de-google-solutionswatch/

404 Media Podcast On “Active Listening” Story https://open.spotify.com/episode/3MFaYEnpvOFndkpbM3rfBH

How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did (Feb. 16,. 2012) https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/

Collapse Of Ukraine Government Has Begun

"The rats have begun to flee the sinking ship."

By Hal Turner:

Important: The collapse of the Ukraine government has started; the following ministers have resigned:

Vitaliy Stanislavovych Koval - Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitaliy_Koval

Ruslan Strilets -  Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruslan_Strilets

Denys Maliuska -  Minister of Justice of Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denys_Maliuska

Oleksandr Kamyshin -  Minister of Strategic Industries  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksandr_Kamyshin

their resignations still have to be processed by the Verkhovna Rada (parliament).

One source told me "The rats have begun to flee the sinking ship."

The Resurrection Of Nazi Germany

The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned German attorney who has succeeded in holding elites accountable. He is widely appreciated by people for bringing justice to bear where it is needed.

During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a committee to investigate the lies about Covid and the “vaccine,” and was preparing to bring a lawsuit in behalf of those whose health and lives were lost to the “vaccine” that authorities said was “safe and effective.” This was going too far, and the ruling establishment took steps to stop him.

Possibly Washington was a participant in the plot against him. Dr. Fuellmich, who lives in Germany and in California, on his way to his California home was prevented from entering the US, and had to go to Mexico while waiting to sort out whatever the difficulty was. In Mexico he and his wife were tricked by the German embassy into going to the airport to have their passports renewed. The German government illegally kidnapped Dr. Fuellmich and flew him to Germany where he was arrested and since has spent much time in solitary confinement, which is used for the purpose of wearing down a victim’s will to resist.

All of this was done in violation of the German constitution and German law. His pre-trial detention is now double the length of pre-trial detention permitted under German law. As President George W. Bush declared, the German “justice system” has declared its right to detain a person indefinitely without trial and conviction. It seems that no government in the Western world is willing to follow a rule of law.