25 Sept 2024

Everything You Need To Know About The Conflict In Ukraine + America The Unready

'We can see Satans hold on the West when the only leader determined to preserve human existence is demonized.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Soviet Union collapsed when Soviet President Gorbachev was placed under house arrest by hardline elements in the Politburo who were alarmed by the rapidity with which Gorbachev was establishing friendly and open relations with the West.

For the hardline American neoconservatives, the Soviet Collapse removed the constraint on American unilateralism. The neoconservatives quickly seized the initiative and with the Wolfowitz Doctrine declared US hegemony and stated that the principal goal of US foreign policy was to prevent the rise of any power that could serve as a constraint on Washington’s hegemony. This policy resulted in the hopes of Reagan and Gorbachev and the trust Gorbachev had placed in Washington being frustrated. Washington’s pledge not to move NATO one inch to the East was disavowed, and more hostile steps followed.

By 2007 it was clear to Russia’s President Putin that the promise of a multi-polar world was being over-ridden by a policy of Washington’s hegemony. At the Munich Security Conference, Putin threw down the gauntlet and said that Russia did not accept Washington’s rules based uni-polar world. At that moment the US/NATO went to war against Russia.

The first attack on Russia was a year later in 2008 when Washington sent a US supplied and trained Georgian army into disputed South Ossetia, resulting in the deaths of Russian peace-keepers and many civilians. Putin, caught off guard, returned from the Beijing Olympics, and the Russian army quickly defeated the US trained Georgian forces. Putin is often accused of intending to rebuild the Soviet Empire, but he had in his hands Georgia, historically a part of the Soviet Union and previously of Russia. Instead of reincorporating Georgia back into Russia, he turned them loose to be again subjected to Washington’s plots against Russia.

Shabbos Goy Nutcase Starmer Will Never Live This One Down

"The return of the sausages!"

Robert Graves: He's like a fictional character. "Silence all dissent! Let the pensioners freeze! Ban smoking! Keep the borders open! Free the prisoners! Restrict pub hours! ......oh and ..er.....Free the sausages!". Absolutely surreal.

Neo-Jews' Genocidal Rampage Will Not Stop Me Graduating

'My perspective on education has shifted: It is no longer just a personal goal but a form of resistancea beacon of hope to me in the midst of the Jews' genocidal rampage.'

The author finding a quiet space to study amid Gaza’s destruction. Photo courtesy of the author

By Ohood Nassar: June 2024 was meant to be the pinnacle of my academic journey, a moment to celebrate my hard work and begin a new chapter as a teacher.

Of course, this dream has been completely shattered.

On 7 October 2023, the sound of rockets shattered the morning calm. Fearful, I rushed to my sister, Sumaya, asking what was happening. “It seems like a new war is starting,” she said, confirming my fears.

We gathered some essentials and took shelter in the lower floor of our home.

A few days later, my university – the Islamic University of Gaza where I was studying education – was bombed.

I was defiant. This war will not break me. I will graduate. Even if we had to leave our area of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza,

When a ceasefire was announced on 24 November, we returned, only to find our home in ruins.

I found my books scattered on the street. My determination to complete my studies grew even stronger.

White Neo-Jews' Pager Attack In Lebanon Is Blowing Back: Western Tech Can't Be Trusted Anymore

"CIA acknowledges, this is terrorism!  ...China says the Jews' attack deserves nothing but condemnation. The Jews have opened a pandora's box. We can no longer trust technology from the west, or western allies."

GER: Jews' Israel regime killed many people in The Lebanon by putting explosives in pagers and walkie-talkies, in what was condemned internationally as a disgusting terrorist attack. This is already backfiring, hurting Western technology companies. Ben Norton discusses how this act of war will fragment supply chains, as Global South markets no longer trust tech made by the US and its allies. China's manufactured goods will increasingly be seen as a safer alternative.

Escobar: Will A BRICS Bretton Woods Take Place In Kazan?

With less than a month before the crucial BRICS annual summit in Kazan under the Russian presidency, serious informed discussions are raging in Moscow and other Eurasian capitals on what should be at the table in the de-dollarization and alternative payment system front.

Authored by Pepe Escobar: Earlier this month Andrey Mikhailishin, head of the task force on financial services of the BRICS Business Council, detailed the list of top projects under consideration. They include:

  • A common unit of account - as in The Unit, whose contours were first revealed exclusively by Sputnik.

  • A platform for multilateral settlements and payments in BRICS digital currencies, connecting the financial markets of BRICS members: that’s BRICS Bridge, which bears similarities with the Bank of International Settlements-linked MBridge,  already in effect. That will complement intrabank systems already in action, as in Russia’s SPFS and Iran’s CPAM settling financial transactions – and 60% of their trade - in their own currencies.

  • A blockchain-based payment system that entirely bypasses the US dollarBRICS Pay. Arguably 159 participants may be ready to adopt this sanction-evading, similar-to-SWIFT mechanism right away.

  • A settlement depository (Clear).

  • An insurance system.

  • And crucially a BRICS rating agency, independent from the Western giants.

What’s at stake is the extremely complex design of a brand-new financial system – decentralized and using digital technology. BRICS Clear, for instance, will be using blockchain to record securities and exchange them.

Megyn Kelly Closes Down TV Presstitute

Why Did The Trump-Kamala “Debate” Avoid The Important Issue?

The Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Podcast with Soren Korsgaard

Paul Craig Roberts and Søren Korsgaard are back! We discuss the first presidential debate between Trump and Harris, including the important issues that were not mentioned, how the elite usually pick both candidates, the significance of the U.S. national debt reaching $35 trillion, the implications of the U.S. dollar serving as the world’s leading reserve currency since World War II, and other important subjects.

Son Catches Mom CHEATING On His Dad

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts


By Hal Turner: China has sent shockwaves around the world by issuing a URGENT directive to any of its citizens in ISRAEL to "leave immediately."

China, Russia, Iran et. al. are Borthers-in-Arms.  They must __know__ something ominous is coming for them to tell their people to leave ISRAEL.

Everyone else is telling citizens to leave Lebanon . . . but China says the opposite.

HMMMMMMM . . . . . . . .

Breaking: Kamala Harris LIED About Her Black Grandparents

"She's not black!"

Candace Owens: The Kamala genealogy dive gets weirder, JoJo Siwa has a strange photoshoot, and video resurfaces of Ne-Yo being called "Diddy Jr" and being accused of participating in "freak offs".