2 Sept 2024

A Quarrel In A Faraway Land

Disgruntled Western electors are beginning to view foreign entanglements in a similar way to Neville Chamberlain in 1938: “a quarrel in a faraway land between people of which we know nothing.”

By Benjamin Picton: US Core PCE figures reported on Friday showed that inflation slowed a little more than expected in the year to July. Year-on-year price growth was 2.6% versus a consensus estimate of 2.7%, while the month-on-month figure printed in line with expectations at +0.2%.

While inflation appears headed in the right direction, household finances may not be. Personal income rose a better-than-expected 0.3% in July, but was eclipsed by a 0.5% lift in personal spending. We have to go all the way back to January to find a month where personal incomes grew at a faster pace than expenditures.

My colleague Bas van Geffen noted on Friday that the recent upward revision in quarterly GDP growth to 3% is unlikely to be repeated in the months ahead as evidence mounts that consumers are feeling the pinch. While spending growth outstrips income growth we have seen a steady uptrend in average credit card balances and delinquency rates. Surely not a sustainable trajectory.

Britain's Online Safety Act May Be Canary In The Coalmine For Canada Under Online Harms Act

We need to talk about Julie Sweeney.

Authored by Pete Menzies: She’s a 53-year-old English woman who used to live in Church Lawton, Cheshire, and she once had a Facebook account. Today, she’s in prison, serving a 15-month sentence after being convicted under new Criminal Code provisions in the United Kingdom’s Online Safety Act.

From all available accounts, Ms. Sweeney had—at least until this summer—lived without causing any trouble or having any negative interactions with the local constabulary. Then, on Aug. 3, she lost her temper during the height of the British riots that ensued following the murders of little girls in a Taylor Swift dance class and wrote something really nasty on a local community group Facebook page.

“Don’t protect the mosques,” she posted to the 5,100-member group. “Blow the mosque up with the adults in it.”

That’s a very ugly thing to say and within hours one individual who read it complained to the police, who promptly arrested Ms. Sweeney. According to the Crown prosecutor, upon being taken into custody, Ms. Sweeney told officers, “I’m not being rude but there are a lot of people saying it.”

That’s not good. But it is important to note that while there was indeed violence directed towards the mosque, Ms. Sweeney’s comments related to the aftermath. There is no evidence which I can find in the coverage of the case that her post inspired anyone to do harm to the building, to anyone in or around it, or that it became a rallying cry of any kind. Nor was there any proof offered that she seriously wished for the mosque “with the adults in it” to be blown up.

Exposing Genocide Narratives, British Totalitarianism And US Electoral Antics

vanessa beeley: A couple of days ago I spoke with journalist and geopolitical analyst Fiorella Isabel. We covered the terrifying normalisation of genocide in Palestine by the Zionist enity, the totalitarian state in the UK and the crack down on dissent often a precursor to war, the US electoral cartoon theatrics all leading down the path to perpetual war - a Uniparty policy in the US.

The Rise Of Toxic Global Conformism

...what shocked me was the worldwide mass mind that sprang into existence seemingly overnight...

Authored by Bruce Davidson: At a formal ceremony for retiring professors at my university, each retiree got an opportunity to make a short speech. In my own speech, I mentioned that my last few years coincided with the Covid panic. Far more than the disease itself, what shocked me was the worldwide mass mind that sprang into existence seemingly overnight.

All over the world, suddenly people were subjected to all-encompassing propaganda and pressures to conform to the same Covid policies. In contrast, a university should be a place to protect and encourage individual thinking, I maintained.

Aside from the Covid phenomenon, in recent years I have often observed the tendency for novel ideas to spread rapidly around the world and quickly become established orthodoxy that precludes debate and criticism. This amounts to a kind of toxic global conformism.

“Toxic conformism” can be defined as aggressively promoted compliance with evil and/or harmful behavior in order to remain in good standing with others. In response to Covid, the universal, rapid implementation of toxic conformity may be unique in history.

There is nothing wrong with conformity per se, as long as it represents adhering to the reasonable expectations of a sane society. For example, conformity to norms of politeness has great merit in most circumstances, as anyone can appreciate who participates in a civil society, such as Japan’s. Only the immature and maladjusted believe that defying reasonable norms of behavior is somehow always commendable.

However, the kind of conformity we currently observe on an international scale is not organic or reasonable. It is imposed by fiat from those with power and influence, despite the doubts and objections of many. It is not the product of wholesome social development and rational, willing acceptance.

MANOPOLY - Rules Of The Game

"The womens with the biggest jubblies goes first."

Gary Orsum

U.S. Tells "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky To Negotiate Peace

Jimmy Dore: After almost two years of fighting, hundreds of thousands dead, hundreds of billions spent and devastating impacts across Europe and even stretching into other continents, the U.S. is now signaling it’s time for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to begin negotiating an end to hostilities with Russia. The terms of any peace agreement will, of course, be much less favorable than what might have transpired if Ukraine had been allowed to negotiate at the war’s outset.

Wamenz: DEI Employees Get A Taste Of Their Own Medicine! + Men Give Up On Dating And Women FINALLY Wonder Why!

"What is contra-power harassment?"

Raging Golden Eagle: They REALLY don't like it when others treat them the same way they treat others!

The Age Of Insufferable Star Wars Actresses

Sydney Watson

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains How The Ukraine Russia War Started

Howie Mandel Does Stuff: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gives a history lesson on everything related to the Ukraine and Russia war, how it started, and more.