8 Jun 2024

“Europe Has Lost Its Soul, Freedom Of Speech Has Disappeared In Europe”

'A civilization is being exterminated by its own political and intellectual leaders.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: These are the words of the former foreign minister of Austria at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. https://www.rt.com/news/598925-kneissl-europe-freedom-spief/

The statements are true, but, having been said in Russia, they will be dismissed as propaganda from a “Russian stooge.”.

As I see it the situation is worse than described. The European ethnicities and their cultures are essentially prisoners of the immigrant-invaders who have been permitted, indeed encouraged, to overrun the European countries, all of which are on the path to disappearance of their ethnic basis.

Why is it that European political leaders are so determined to make ethnic French a minority in France, ethnic Germans a minority in Germany, ethnic British a minority in Britain, ethnic Scandinavians a minority in Scandinavia, and the same in Holland, Belgium, Italy, Ireland? This is not “diversity.” This is the elimination of diversity and its replacement with a Tower of Babel.

Why are the ethnic populations of Europe powerless to stop this?

Watch Anthony Fauci’s Face When Congresswoman Confronts Him On His Lie

Russell Brand: Anthony Fauci repeatedly denies that he suppressed the lab leak theory and says closures, stay-at-home orders, vaccine mandates, & masks mandates for kids were justified despite previously admitting there's no scientific backing in these actions.

Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up Of The Jews' War Crimes

Story #1: State Dept Official Resigns Over “FalsifiedReport Claiming Israel Not Blocking Gaza Aid https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/86000/state-dept-official-resigns-over-falsified-report-claiming-israel-not-blocking-aid-to.html

Biden: People Have ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Bibi 'The Baby Butcher' Netanyahu Is Prolonging Gaza Genocide To Please His Fellow Jewish Super Racists To Stay In Power https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/04/biden-people-have-every-reason-to-believe-netanyahu-is-prolonging-gaza-war-to-stay-in-power/

Reports Suggest The Jews Are Gearing Up For War In The Lebanon https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/04/reports-suggest-israel-is-gearing-up-for-lebanon-war/

Story #2: China “Prepositioning” for Future Cyberattacks – and New NSA Chief Is Worried https://archive.is/Pw3re

EVERYTHING Is Changing For The U.S. Dollar And This Is The Final Straw

Redacted: Is the world heading for a de-dollarization? The writing has been on the wall for some time now. Kevin Demerritt from Lear Capital joins us to discuss how you can hedge your bets for an unstable financial climate.

WRONGLOOK – The New Offence Created By The UK Police!

"In the past UK police were happy to enforce WRONGTHINK, then there was WRONGSPEAK and now they've introduced WRONGLOOK."

Crimebodge: Looking at someone the wrong way could now get you arrested. Humberside Police have decided that 'giving someone the ICK' amounts to a criminal offence, and they have left it up to the victim to decide what the limits of that offence are.

Bill Burr ANNIHILATES Woke Culture & Body Positivity On Joe Rogan

Freedom Frontline: Watch Bill Burr hilariously take on woke culture and body positivity in this epic interview with Joe Rogan. Get ready to laugh and be entertained as Bill Burr annihilates these controversial topics with his signature humor and wit!

Douglas MacGregor Exposes: "Massive Russian Offensives Are Underway To Terminate Ukraine"

KR Media: Douglas MacGregor Exposes: "Massive Russian Offensives are Underway to Terminate Ukraine" In this compelling video, military expert Douglas MacGregor exposes the possibility of a massive Russian offensive aimed at ending the Ukraine war. MacGregor dives deep into the strategic maneuvers and potential implications of such a decisive move by Russia. He provides a comprehensive analysis of the current situation on the ground, including the strengths and weaknesses of both Russian and Ukrainian forces.

Excess Deaths Explode Following Covid Vaccination + The Beginning Of Accountability For The Killer Covid “Vaccine”?

'The ball is in the hands of retired scientists and scientists nearing retirement to get the story out. And they cannot expect any help from the compromised media.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Do you remember the endless assurances we were given that the Covid vax was “safe and effective”? The assurances were lies. The reports can no longer be suppressed that excess deaths in all highly Covid-19 vaccinated countries are skyrocketing.

Scientists are beginning to gingerly call governments’ attention to the extraordinary rise in the death rate. They say the vaccine “might” be part of the reason. But there is nothing else to blame, and if there is the scientists don’t say what. They ask the governments to investigate the underlying causes of the “unprecedented” number of excess deaths, including “possible vaccine harm.”

In other words, the scientists understand that too forceful a statement can cut off their research money and terminate their careers. But they cannot avoid acknowledging the unprecedented jump in excess deaths following the mass vaccination.