4 Jul 2024

Putin & Xi Meet Again, Plot Countering Warmongering USA, While White House Consumed With Crisis Of Biden's Decline

Bff's second face-to-face meeting in as many months...

By Tyler Durden: In their second face-to-face meeting in as many months, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping that "Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are in the best period of their history." Russian state media subsequently likened it to a golden age in relations.

The two are meeting once again at the annual session of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which runs Wednesday through Thursday in the Kazakh capital of Astana. "Russia-China relations are on the highest level in history, and they are not aimed against anyone, we do not create blocs or unions, we just act in the interests of our nations," Putin stressed.

And Xi told Putin in brief opening remarks, "In the face of the turbulent international situation and external environment, the two sides should continue to uphold the original aspiration of friendship for generations to come."

Still, the reality is that the two are coming closer based ultimately on countering the US, while also vying for influence among other Central Asian SCO bloc countries, which includes the ex-Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Those are among the founding members alongside Russian and China, while India and Pakistan joined in 2017, and Iran was welcomed as the newest member last year.

From Milk-Runs To MAD To Madness

There are no secrets about the world of nature. There are secrets about the thoughts and intentions of men. -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Authored by George Ford Smith: No big deal, it was just “a milk run.”

So remarked Paul Tibbets Jr., pilot of the Enola Gay, a United States B-29 Superfortress, describing his trip to Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. His cargo that early morning was an atomic bomb called “Little Boy,” which bombardier Major Thomas Ferebee released when the plane was directly over the city. Forty-three seconds later and with pilot and crew watching, “Little Boy” exploded above ground. Their job finished, the Enola Gay returned to base on Tinian Island.

Yes, just a milk run.

Others saw it differently. War correspondent John Hersey published a long article in the New Yorker on August 23, 1946, detailing the experience of those far enough from the center of the explosion to have recollections. No milk runs here:

As Mrs. Nakamura stood watching her neighbor, everything flashed whiter than any white she had ever seen. She did not notice what happened to the man next door; the reflex of a mother set her in motion toward her children. She had taken a single step (the house was 1,350 yards, or three-quarters of a mile, from the center of the explosion) when something picked her up and she seemed to fly into the next room over the raised sleeping platform, pursued by parts of her house.

In case you’re a visitor from another galaxy and find this disturbing, most brainwashed earth dwellers believe the “Little Boy” mission was an act of mercy.

The Green New Scam Is Dying

...based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt Western growth or simple greed...

Authored by James Rickards: It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the Green New Scam.

Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, ideological zeal, a willful desire to hurt American growth or simple greed because of their investments in Green New Scam infrastructure varies case by case.

The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans.

Climate Alarmists Have It Backward

The historical record actually demonstrates that warming periods produce higher CO2 levels — not the other way around. CO2 doesn’t cause warming. It’s caused by natural warming.

In other words, climate alarmists have causation completely backward.

Sir Keir Stasi: Labour’s Police State In Britain + Labour's Plans To End Democracy + Blair & Brown Are Behind Starmer

David Starkey Talks: The following links will give you all the information you need on Labour's plans. “A New Britain.” Labour’s plans for constitutional reform. https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uplo... 

The Labour Party Manifesto stating their intent to undertake said constitutional changes. https://labour.org.uk/change/serving-... 

Articles on Starmer and Labour’s plans by J.Sorel of The Daily Sceptic. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/07/04/l... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/16/k... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/03/b... https://dailysceptic.org/2024/06/21/s...

"WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!" - Nigel Farage Rallies Clacton

"The real enemy is the BBC and my first promise to you if elected to parliament is I will campaign for the abolition of the BBC licence fee. Slippery Sunak and [yawn] Starmer, talk about boring, god help us!"

Resistance GB: Nigel Farage rallies supporters on the eve of the general election.

Watch: Dramatic Video Shows Russia Repelling Drone Boats Attack On Key Port

Surprise attack on Black Sea port of Novorossiysk...

By Tyler Durden: Russia's defense ministry (MoD) on Wednesday published some rare and intense footage of Ukrainian naval suicide drones which got close to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

The speedboat-type drones were approaching the coast in the darkness of the early morning hours when Russian Navy assets opened up heavy machine gun and rocket fire on the vessels. Watch the footage released by the MoD:

Philippines Legislature Finds 290,000 Excess Deaths Correlate With The Covid “vaccine”

Turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.”

By Aussie17: An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines’ House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths. As people start to connect the dots to the roll-out of experimental vaccines, heated discussions ensued, revealing shocking testimonies and data.

Attorney Tanya Lat voiced the frustrations of many Filipinos:

“There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.”

Her words resonated in the chamber, painting a grim picture of a Department of Health (DOH) that seems indifferent to the suffering caused by the vaccines.

“We look into their eyes, there does not seem to be any sympathy for the people who have died, for the people who are now physically disabled because of these vaccines,” she added.

"OMG" The SHOCKING Satanic Origins Of NASA

"We're learning that they lied to us about virtually everything pertaining to World War 2."

Candace Owens: Kamala Harris panders to black voters at The BET Awards, Joe Biden blames his horrible debate performance on Jet Lag, and are you aware of the satanic origins of NASA?

How The British Elections Are Rigged - Andrew Bridgen

Resistance GB: Andrew Bridgen discusses the consequences of the spending limits for the UK general election and their impact on independent candidates.

Why Russia Should NOT Be On The Terrorist List With Clare Daly And Mick Wallace

"If Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, well then so is the USA, so is Israel, it's meaningless."

Katie Halper: Clare Daly and Mick Wallace explain the hypocrisy of Russia being labeled as a terrorist state.

The Practice Of Medicine Has Gone Very Wrong

Japanese Medical Doctors Lambast Covid-19vaccinefor causing deaths and spawning new diseases


Video 1: Major Japanese Press Conference

Click here to watch the video

They were stirring up that the vaccine should be taken for people with diseases, so my spouse and I stupidly believed that that just getting this vaccine would definitely save us and we got vaccinated. Two days later, while I was on a day off going back to my parents’ house, he passed away alone An autopsy was also conducted.

THEY’RE POISONING US - Big Pharma’s Shocking TRUTH + Tucker Notices Something About The Debate No One Noticed

Russell Brand: Steve Bannon begins his jail sentence, Biden faces ousting from the Democrats, and Trump attempts to delay his hush money sentencing. I also chat with Calley Means about who will take on Big Food and Big Pharma given the decline of our health, we delve into the rise in cancer rates, the truth behind Ozempic, and why genuinely healthy foods are being demonized.