'In my lifetime I have watched the transformation of the free Western world, a product of centuries of struggle, into a Gestapo Police State.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Not even one value of Western civilization remains. All values that composed an era of freedom have been repudiated.
The example of the hour is Telegram owner Durov’s indictment in France. The basis of the French indictment is that Telegram’s privacy, the basis for its existence, provides a mechanism that criminals can use to commit crimes, such as posts of children in sexual acts. Privacy also provides secret means of communication that criminals and drug dealers use for their illegal businesses. The French government’s claim is that Telegram, by providing privacy, enables these crimes and therefore Durov is complicit in the crimes. Notice that it is Durov, not the child pornographers and drug dealers, who is being prosecuted.
In other words, the argument of the French indictment is that as an owner of a communication mechanism that criminals use to facilitate their commitment of crimes, Durov himself has committed a crime.
We have been hearing illogical arguments of this kind for some time.