30 Jun 2024

Magical, Mysterious, And Sometimes Dangerous Food Ingredients That Are Impossible To Pronounce

'They are linked to many chronic diseases like cancer, and many other issues, including depression, and anxiety, and may contribute to cognitive decline. They may even be addictive.'

Authored by Matthew Little: Not long ago, people could only dream of the foods we have today. Tasty, cheap, and ready to eat. They last forever, look great, and come in endless varieties. Ultra-processed foods are a dream come true.

These new foods have achieved their incredible feats thanks to innovations in processing and a long list of additives that grant them superpowers denied to the foods eaten by previous generations.

Some of these additives do important work, like keep food bacteria-free or let it stay safe from spoiling without need for refrigeration. But others are “experiential” and do things like make the food bright red or give it a more satisfying texture.

Additives come in a variety of types. There are preservatives, flavorings, colors, stabilizers, emulsifiers, firming agents, humectants, and more. They have names like “titanium dioxide,” “sodium benzoate,” and “xanthan gum.” And the fact that people are living longer despite most Americans mostly eating ultra-processed foods would seem to indicate their safety.

George Galloway v Piers 'Zio-Shill" Morgan On Israel-Palestine, Russia & More

Piers Morgan: British politician George Galloway - who is renowned for his staunch support of Palestine and scathing criticism of Western foreign policies - joins Piers Morgan Uncensored for a deep dive into current events during a fascinating feature-length interview.

On the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Piers presses Galloway to denounce the killings of innocents by Hamas in Israel on Oct 7th. Galloway responds by saying that while killing children and the elderly is terrorism, "if you keep 2.3 million people in a cage, they’re going to try and break out". The pair also discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Galloway declaring that he actually trusts Putin "more than Keir Starmer, Joe Biden or Donald Trump". Piers doesn’t let up, and George doesn’t back down...

Plus, in a surprise turn, Galloway reveals that he has fallen victim to Fiona Harvey of Baby Reindeer notoriety's stalking.

The Distortion Of Climate Data Using ‘Computer Models’

"There is no real climate crisis."

Said John Clauser who won the Nobel prize in physics 2022.

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Numbers Don't Lie

These 9 charts from the Statistical Review Of World Energy expose the myth of the energy transition & show hydrocarbons are growing faster than alt-energy...

Global energy use in 2023 hit a new record, 620 EJ, of which about 81.5% came from hydrocarbons. Image: Energy Institute.

Authored by Robert Bryce:

The numbers in the latest Statistical Review of World Energy don’t lie.

Amid the ongoing blizzard of propaganda about the “energy transition” and the tired antics of the goobers from Just Stop Oil — a pair of whom vandalized Stonehenge with orange paint last Wednesday — the Statistical Review, published by the Energy Institute, KPMG, and Kearney, provides a much-needed reality check to the narrative being promoted by major media outlets, academics, and the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex.

Comedian Makes Heckler Cry

Sammy Obeid: I'm too patient. She sat in the front, bought my merch, she really wanted it to be a special night. But at the expense of the mall community.

Jews Dragging British & Greek Cypriots Into Another War As Military Planes Make Secretive Flights To Lebanon Via Cyprus

Britain's Jew nobbled government is arming anti-Hezbollah local militias via stolen Greek lands in Cyprus.

Via The Cradle: The UK has sent over 80 military transport planes to the Lebanese capital of Beirut since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza nine months ago, Declassified UK reported on Friday.

All the flights have gone from the UKs massive Akrotiri airbase on land stolen by the British government from the Greeks on the nearby Greek island of Cyprus, long a staging post for UK bombing missions on behalf of their Jewish masters. Declassified UK notes that the number of UK military flights to Beirut has risen dramatically in recent months. The group tracked 25 flights in April and May and 14 so far in June.

Flights from the UK base on stolen Greek lands take around 45 minutes to reach Beirut, which Israel has increasingly threatened to bomb in a possible full-scale war with the super cool Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah that has repeatedly kicked the living daylights out of the self centred big headed Jews.

The Ministry of Defense declined to disclose the number of UK military flights to the Lebanon since the start of the war on October 7 or their purpose. A defense source told Declassified UK that the flights “have been primarily for the purpose of facilitating senior military engagement” with the Lebanese army.

Honest Government Ad - AI

thejuicemedia: The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative, except the obligatory climate change bullshit.

The Conversation Every Married Couple Has + Shocking Candace Owens Interview With Jimmy Dore

Candace Owens: On this special edition Candace speaks with Josh and Rebekah Weigel, the husband & wife film-making team behind Angel Studios new film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot.

Bank Of Russia Source - "U.S. Sanctions Will Cause Death Of Russia's Economy - Russia Will Not Be Only Country To Die"

'Are you ready for OUR country to be "killed" over what our GOVERNMENT is doing?'

By Hal Turner: A source within the Bank of Russia says a new wave of Western sanctions causing the blockage of bank payments, including through countries that are considered  "friendly" to Russia can lead to the  DEATH of the Russian economy.  Source also says "Russia will not be the only country to die . . . ."

According to First Deputy Representative of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin, the United States is telling foreign countries their economy will be Sanctioned (and thereby destroyed) by the US, if they continue processing normal payments to and from Russia.

According to Chistyukhin, it is necessary for Russia to solve payment problems as quickly as possible and not to abhor even exotic or outdated mechanisms.  He went on to say "What seemed to us yesterday, unpopular -- swaps, some clearing systems, the use of crypto -- all needs to be tested, everything needs to be tried."

He went on to point out the reality that if there are no normal calculations for products on foreign economic activity, for Russia's export and import-dependent country then Russia is facing  "it’s destruction."

Adobe Is Pathetic

"Massive gas lighting. ...Adobe tried to fuck their customers on purpose! ...Adobe are a bunch of greedy fucks, they fuck you over and steal your content!"

Sasha Yanshin: Adobe changed their Terms and Conditions to try and steal customer data.

When customers realised and began cancelling Adobe subscriptions, Adobe tried to gaslight and lie to their customers.

And then 2 weeks later they did a U-turn and completely changed their Terms and Conditions because of the public outcry.

I have cancelled Adobe and so should you if you don't like companies that try to screw over their own customers.

At Last Zelensky Talks Ukraine CAPITULATION! Says Too Many Wounded And Dead; Doesn't Want War For Years

Volodymyr Zelensky, former President of Ukraine whose term of Office expired on May 21, went on TV yesterday and made clear Ukraine has too many wounded and dead; they do not want the war with Russia to continue . . .

By Hal Turner: His English language skills are not the best, but what he says is quite dramatic:

“We don't have too much time because we have a lot of wounded and dead people on the battlefield and among civilians. That's why we don't want to have this war continue for years. We want to prepare this joint plan and put it on the table for the next peace summit.”

Where is the so-called "main-stream media?"   Why has not a single TV Network in the United States, Britain or the rest of Europe reported this?

Incidentally, this has been CONFIRMED by the Kiev Post Newspaper:

Andrew Bridgen: "The Public Have Woken Up"

"I'm not paying for a TV licence any more, I don't enjoy watching it, I opted out and my life has been better for it. All you're getting piped in is propaganda, they love it when you pay for your own propaganda, or your own downfall. You can get all the news you want from the internet that is genuinely impartial."

A Resistance GB journalist speaks with Andrew Bridgen (MP for North West Leicestershire 2010-Present & now independent candidate for the constituency) about the lame-stream media like the BBC.