22 Jun 2024

Hobson's Arse + False Flag - Bob Moran

Possibility Of Nuclear War Is Now A Reality

RT talks to Stevan Gajic, researcher at Belgrade institute of European studies, and Martin Jay, journalist and editor of Maghrebi.org, about the rising fears of potential nuclear war as the West escalates tensions with Russia

Gen Z Doesn't Want To Work Anymore

The Poor Mans Podcast Reacts

The Jewish Torah 'Is All Bullshit" Debunking The White Neo-Jews' State Of Israel

"Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the land of Israel, archeologists have found out: The Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt, did not wander in the wilderness, did not conquer the land of Canaan in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes of Israel. ...The united monarchy of David and Solomon, which was described in the bible as a regional superpower, was, at most, a small tribal kingdom."


The Toxic Truth About Vegetable Oils In Your Home

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The Israel Boycott Is Working And It Is DEVASTATING, But The Lame Stream Media Are Hiding It

Redacted: Companies around the world are boycotting Israel and the media will not tell you about it. Isn't this ironic when U.S. lawmakers tried so hard to stop the BDS, an economic boycott is what we get anyway? Maybe we should have paid more attention to the peaceful protest before we got the October 7 violent one, huh?

“Something BIG Is About To Happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones Interview On INFOWARS Shut Down

"Our message is scaring the system. Something big is about to happen, why are they so desperate to get us off the air?"

Russell Brand

Everyone Hates The Acolyte As Much As Disney Hates Star Wars


Misandric Racist Walt Disney Company Discriminates Against White People, Especially Males

“Nobody else is going to tell you this, but theyre not considering any white males for the job. Theres no way we’re hiring a white male.”

James O’Keefe is a top flight investigative reporter.