10 Jul 2024

How Out-Of-Body Experiences May Enhance Empathy By Altering Our Sense Of Self

'By reshaping our sense of self, out-of-body experiences may reshape our worldview, allowing us to truly step into another’s shoes.'

Authored by Cara Michelle Miller: How does floating outside your body, seeing yourself from above, sound? This surreal experience, known as an out-of-body event, might be more than just a curious phenomenon.

New research suggests these extraordinary events could unlock greater empathy. By reshaping our sense of self, they may reshape our worldview, allowing us to truly step into another’s shoes.

The Transformative Impact of Out-of-Body Experiences

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) occur spontaneously during sleep, near-death experiences, or through induced methods like hypnosis or psychedelic drugs. Affecting approximately 15 percent of people, according to some research, out-of-body experiences challenge the notion that the mind is confined to the body.

Recent studies suggest OBEs can result in lasting increases in perspective-taking, patience, and compassion—similar to effects seen with meditation.

A new narrative review in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews explores the psychological and neurological basis of out-of-body experiences as “seeds” that, under certain conditions, can grow into transformative events.

LGBTQP - P For Paedophile! It's Already Utterly Dreadful

Naturally the ultra zionist Starmer who no doubt had his own Jewish son ritually genitally mutilated by ripping off over 60% of the highest concentrations of pleasure sensors from his little 8-day-old penis, as is barbaric Jewish tradition, is now going to release all the paedophiles who are in jail as soon as possible. It stands to reason. ...Feminist labour might well be the supremacist women's party, but it's certainly not the vulnerable children's party.

m o d e r n i t y

Universities Should Promote Rigorous Discourse, Not Stifle It

"These efforts to stifle heterodox thinking are not only wrong from an academic freedom perspective but harmful to the open and even raucous discourse required..."

Authored by Jay Bhattacharya & Wesley J. Smith: The New England Journal of Medicine recently published an advocacy article that attacks academic freedom and urges stifling contentious campus debates. Specifically, Evan Mullen, Eric J. Topol, and Abraham Verghese urge universities to “speak out publicly” and issue official institutional opinions about public controversies involving its professors “when it concludes that a faculty member’s opinion could cause public harm.” 

The NEJM authors write in the context of Stanford University refusing to institutionally condemn the arguments made by one of its scholars, Dr. Scott Atlas, when he advised the Trump administration on COVID policies in the early days of the pandemic. The authors, one of whom is a physician trainee (Mullen) and another the former vice chair of education (Verghese) at Stanford, are university colleagues of Atlas, as is one of the authors of this essay (Bhattacharya). They claim that Atlas’ publicly expressed skepticism of masking as an effective prophylactic against infection and his belief that lockdowns and school closures would cause more harm than good were so potentially harmful that Stanford itself – as an institution – should have condemned Atlas’ opinions.

Russia Rules Out All Nuclear Talks With Bonkers US Until It Adopts A 'Sane' Approach

Russia is looking for a "slightly more sane approach" by the US. Until then, Russia will begin producing strike systems that the US dumped INF Treaty had outlawed.

Authored by Kyle Anzalone: A top Russian diplomat stressed that the Kremlin is unwilling to engage with the White House on arms control issues due to the Biden administration’s Russophobic stance. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov argued that President Donald Trump left the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) to provoke China. 

In an interview with The International Affairs published on Monday, Ryabkov explained Moscow’s position on arms control talks with Washington. "We do not have the foundation right now and we are not even close to shaping one in order to launch a tentative dialogue, not talks even, in this field. This is a result of Washington’s destructive policy course," he stated.

"Until [the US] clearly show some change for the better in their policy, at the very least, demonstrate that this boundless and unabashed Russophobia has been set aside and is replaced with a slightly more sane approach," he said, adding, "until this happens, there simply can be no dialogue on strategic stability."

End Of Zionism: 2 Million Jews Leave Israel, Forever!

"Don't let the door smack you on the arse on the way out!" Metzitzah B'peh boys.

CJW: Inside Israel's reverse migration crisis.

Watch As MSNBC Host LOSES IT Over This Trump Prediction + Does Biden Think It's Christmas?

"The dark side won, the system found a way to eliminate heroes!"

Russell Brand

Saudis Threatened To Sell European Bonds If Russian Assets Were Confiscated

And they won.

By Tyler Durden: In a fascinating geopolitical development, Bloomberg reports that Saudi Arabia privately hinted earlier this year it would sell some (or all) of its European debt holdings if the G-7 confiscated Russia's frozen assets.

As a reminder, we noted in May the European Union had approved a US-backed plan to use profits and interest generated from Russian assets to help arm Ukraine; however that was a sharp reversal from the previously proposed plan - one which was heavily promoted by Zelensky and Ukraine - to confiscate some $300 billion in Russian assets. Many were wondering what prompted the reversal.

Now we know, and as Bloomberg notes "the Kingdom’s finance ministry told some G-7 counterparts of its opposition to the idea, which was meant to support Ukraine, with one person describing it as a veiled threat." The Saudis specifically mentioned debt issued by the French treasury, two of the people said.

Most of the $300 billion in frozen Russian assets are held in Europe - particularly France, Germany, and Belgium. Which makes today's report from Bloomberg even more interesting from a geopolitical fissures perspective, as it means that as a result of its ability to spark a liquidation panic in Europe's unstable bond market, it has far more leverage than Ukraine and the "virtue signaling" western media.

The End Of Jordan Peterson? Does Biden Have Parkinson's?

Candace Owens: A Parkinson’s expert visits the White House eight times in eight months, Amber Rose is set to speak at the RNC, and is Jordan Peterson ok?

Angelos Agathangelou: It all started When JP stood up for free speech on campus, he wouldn't suffer legislation to force certain speech, all well and good, but then on the way he criticised MGTOW, which was his first idiotic move. JP's since repented about the MGTOW diss, but the end came since he showed us he was brain rinsed by the zionist lobby.

The same fate should await Farage's reform party if reform don't stand up on the right side of history when it comes to zionism and the lobby. The right side obviously being to stand against it because zionism is evil. The uniparty [lab/con] are so called in large part due to the fact that they are both nobbled by the zio-lobby. They work for a foreign government and not for the people of Britain.

LGBTQ+ Leaders Sign WEF Treaty To Accept Pedophiles As 'Legally Protected Minority'

"Everyone involved in this should be arrested. They want our children. They've said it and now they're showing us!"

The People's Voice: LGBTQ+ leaders are officially recognizing pedophiles as part of the club following World Economic Forum pressure to accept minor attracted persons as legally protected minorities.

According to the WEF, criticizing pedophiles is “hate speech” and governments must crack down on anybody who refuses to accept minor attracted persons in their community.

As children are paraded in front of pedophiles at Pride festivals around the world, it’s time to make a stand and protect our children from the monsters who are determined to prey on them without consequences.

Modern Women STUNNED Good Guys REJECT Them + Women Are LIVID + Instant Karma + Women Are WORTHLESS

Alpha Male