13 Oct 2011

George Soros Predicts Global Economic Collapse

Didn't Soros make his fortune hurting everyone in Britain by devaluing our currency? This asshole now wants to advise us for our benefit? If you have not detected the scepticism in my tone let me be more explicit. Soros is prime candidate for a straightjacket along with his parallels around the globe. 

Whatever his advice, the oposite would most likely be the best course for the rest of us 99.99%. I am definitely warming to the idea that anyone unhappy with "only" $100,000,000, (and then 100% surplus goes back to society) anyone who has a problem with that should be deported, naked.

My Statement to our/all governments (in response) is an immediate adoption globally of the $100,000,000 rule to help overt economic crisis. We would only need Gates, Soros and a couple of their friends to clear up Greece's debt and we would have thousands more of their buddys in reserve, with more wealth than you could believe to mop up as problems emerge. And think of the feel good factor, "pay back is a bleep!"

Keep the IRS and our Inland Revenue who would now only have jurisdiction over any funds in excess of 100,000,000 personal wealth and give them nukes!

Back to you George.