12 Feb 2012

“Forget About Him, He’s Not Here” Israel's Occupation Update

Israel’s Control of Palestinian Residency in the West Bank and Gaza
(Manal Alsaafin holds a photograph of her and her husband, Abdullah, whom Israeli authorities have prevented from returning to his home in the West Bank since 2009 on the basis that they have “registered” him as a resident of the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank)
This report describes the arbitrary exclusion by the Israeli military of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians since 1967 and documents the impact that exclusion continues to have on individuals and families. The way Israel’s military has exercised its control over the Palestinian population registry – the list of Palestinians whom it considers to be lawful residents of the West Bank and Gaza territories – has separated families, caused people to lose jobs and educational opportunities, barred people from entering the Palestinian territories, and trapped others inside them. Egypt also has problematic policies on Palestinians trying to enter Gaza that are based on the Israeli-controlled population registry.

Israel’s Control of Palestinian Residency in the West Bank and Gaza

Map: The West Bank and Gaza Strip



To the Government of Israel

To the Government of Egypt

To the Palestinian Authority

To the Quartet
To Third Party States
I. Background to Current Israeli Policies
Control of the Registry from the Occupation to the Oslo Accords (1967- 1994)
The Oslo Period Prior to the Second Intifada (1995 -2000)
II. Israel’s “Freeze” of the Population Registry
Freeze on Address Changes and “Illegal Presence” in the West Bank
Freeze on Family Reunification
Freeze on Entry Permits to the West Bank and Gaza
Continuing Effects of the Permit Freeze in Gaza
III. Case Studies
Palestinians Denied Registration Due to Absence During the 1967 Census
Palestinians Deleted from the Population Registry
Palestinians Denied Residency after Moving from Gaza to the West Bank
Palestinians and Foreigners Denied the Ability to Live With Their Families
Palestinian Children Denied Residency
IV. Israel’s International Legal Obligations
Right to Freedom of Movement
Right to Family Unity
Other International Legal Obligations
Israel’s Authority under the Law of Occupation
Correspondence with Israeli Authorities