19 Dec 2012

A civilised society takes care of citizens but this (Irish) government are less caring than a pack of wolves.

The minister for Social Protection last year promised that budget cuts on help for rent for the most vulnerable would leave nobody homeless. She argued that in this way that she could manipulate the rental market downwards. With mortgages either being unavailable or not wanted by potential home buyers rents, particularly in urban areas, are rising.  Since the cuts were made homelessness has increased by 20% with more deaths occurring due to homelessness than ever before. Bankster blood money. Meanwhile in their regressive budgets  the Fianna Gael /Labour government have protected the most wealthy at the cost of the most vulnerable. They also keep saying that they have not payed last year’s promissory note payment due on the Anglo Irish/Nationwide dead bank debt but this is a lie.

Within these parallel universes, entirely different rules apply. The amount of money to be saved by making life miserable for carers is €26 million. What does that kind of money get you in the other universe? Well, in March the Government wanted to save face on the payment of the promissory notes for Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide.
It concocted a complicated arrangement with Bank of Ireland so that it could claim not to have paid the money, even though, in effect, it did.
This elaborate PR exercise cost us an additional €90 million – 3½ times the savings in respite grants for carers. In the world where luck has been abolished, there are infinite amounts of money. In the one in which luck is destiny, there are “hard choices”.
Meanwhile the Bankster IFSC clearing house group who are really running the show are encouraging us to be less compassionate than a pack of wolves.

In the wild, tight social bonds among pack members are essential to survival. Wolves mate for life and have a very structured family hierarchy. Subordinate wolves approach more dominant ones with respectful gestures such as face-licking, tail-wagging, and a lowered body posture. Rapport among equals is more rowdy, and the excited barking, jumping, and roughhousing are akin to friendship. Pack members protect each other and are very loyal. The entire pack contributes toward feeding and rearing the young. Mated pairs and their offspring might sleep together, snuggled with a paw or head over another’s back. If one wolf is injured in a hunt, the others bring food to it, lick its wounds, and nurse it back to health.
How and why dogs show affection
A civilised society takes care of citizens
Joan Burton says rent supplement review a “positive” move
Major increase in homelessness
Hardening of attitudes towards people with disabilities
Family Carers, ‘Ireland’s Invisible Workforce’, Protest Budget Cuts …


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