20 Dec 2013

Qantas Places Women In Its Management - S&P Reduces Credit Rating To ‘Junk’ + Kids, False Reporting Is Bad, Mmmkay?

Putting unqualified people into positions of responsibility is a bad idea. Forcing companies to do this is insane, unless you want to kill the company.
By : We now know a good deal about the impact of increasing female representation on corporate boards. Longitudinal studies (the only ones of any relevance, as they separate causation from correlation) of companies in the United States, Germany and Norway show it leads to corporate financial decline. A briefing paper on the matter prepared by Campaign for Merit in Business has the Abstracts and URLs of five such studies:
Increasing gender diversity on corporate boards leads to declines in financial performance: the evidence
Across the developed world major corporations are increasing female representation on their boards and senior executive levels, sometimes under government pressure, sometimes not. We’re indebted to M, a supporter who lives in Eastern Europe, for pointing us to some intriguing pieces. He’s just come up with a new one, a real gem, relating to Qantas.
From Wikipedia’s entry on the company:
Qantas Airways Limited is the flag carrier of Australia. The name was originally ‘QANTAS’, an acronym for ‘Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services’. Nicknamed ‘The Flying Kangaroo’, Qantas is Australia’s largest airline, the oldest continuously operated airline in the world, and the second oldest in the world overall… Qantas carries a 65% share of the Australian domestic market and carries 18.7% of all passengers traveling in and out of Australia.
Qantas has been going through turbulent times (pun intended). With fairly stable revenues and passenger numbers, it moved from an A$249 million profit after tax in 2010/11, to losses of  $244 million in 2011/12, and a derisory profit of just A$6 million in 2012/13. Also from Wikipedia:
In August 2011 the company announced that, due to financial losses and a decline in market share, major structural changes would be made. Up to 1,000 jobs would be lost in Australia…
The last thing Qantas would need in such difficult times would be time-consuming and distracting initiatives to drive up female representation on its board and senior executive levels. Under government pressure, however, that’s exactly what it has faced for years, since at least 1999. Our thanks to M for pointing us to a 24-page document which will be depressing reading for any normally intelligent person – gender feminists, by contrast, will love it – Qantas’s 2011/12 report to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA):
131207 Qantas 201112 report
To protect your sanity we’ve extracted from the document just a little of the content, from p.3:
The Qantas Group is covered by the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Commonwealth) and to comply with the Act is required to:
- Develop an equal opportunity for women in the workplace program
- Report annually (by 31 May) to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA) on the program and its effectiveness.
The report is being submitted on behalf of the Qantas Group and covers our workplace program gender diversity activities during the reporting period 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012.
Diversity Highlights for 2011/2012 
- The Qantas Board of Directors appointed one additional woman, increasing female representation to 25%, up by 8% since the last reporting period.
- Qantas has 57% female representation on the Qantas Foundation Board, as 4 of the 7 Directors are women.
- 2 of the 10 Directors of the Qantas Superannuation Board, including the Chairman are women, representing 20% of the Board.
- During the reporting period, the number of women employed on the Qantas Executive Committee (ExCo), reporting directly to the CEO increased to 3 or 27%. This is a significant increase from having zero representation 3 years ago in 2009.
- Qantas’ Company Secretary is female.
- The number of women in Senior Management roles (levels 2-4 in Table A) increased by 2% to 29% during the reporting period.
So what’s been the consequence of the relentless march of women into senior roles at Qantas, both before and during the period in which the company has faced severe financial difficulties? Well, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) have just cut Qantas’s credit rating to ‘junk’ (link below). Oops.
In an effort to pour salt into Qantas’s wounds, Australia’s government is refusing to bail out the company, despite having assaulted it with gender diversity initiatives since at least 1999. We expect this matter will be resolved by an Asian company - probably a Chinese one – taking over Qantas, and immediately cancelling all such stupid initiatives. We assume that Australian feminists, and the politicians who’ve pandered to them for so long, are proud to have brought a once-great company to its knees.
As time goes on, across the developed world, we’ll see ever more examples of major companies being destroyed by gender diversity initiatives, and the Chinese in particular buying the assets at rock-bottom prices.



Kids, False Reporting Is Bad, Mmmkay?
By Occidental College in Los Angeles California is not the first school to institute a system designed to facilitate the anonymous reporting of sexual assault and rape. Nor will the LA College be the last. However it is presently at the centre of public attention and outrage, outrage because the online anonymous sexual assault reporting tool has been used exactly and precisely as it was designed to be used. The problem is that it was used by the wrong people.
Writing for the Huffington Post, Tyler Kingkade reported that “internet trolls” filed at least 400 false rape reports through the Occidental College anonymous online form. Kingkade wrote that members of a [scare-quotes] men’s rights website and the online-mobious-strip-of-tomfoolery; 4chan weighed in, quickly suggesting the form be bombed with false reports. And why not, that is why the system is anonymous. That is the purpose.
Rape and sexual assaults are serious crimes. That seems like an obvious and redundant point to make, but it has become relevant in the widespread pious posturing of shock and outrage that just-anyone would abuse an instituted system for enacting aggression through an anonymous proxy. Just Imagine!
Of course, the fatal design flaw in the Occidental College anonymous assault reporting tool is that just-anyone can use it. Clearly, only members of a protected caste should be able to access an online tool accusing those outside their caste of violent or sexual crimes from behind a screen of anonymity. The college’s administration are, of course, working on a solution to that flaw.
One possible solution – I thought it up while writing this – would be for the school’s victims’ center to supply cards printed with hash-generated keys. The numbers could be encoded as QR codes, saving accusers from the difficult task of correctly hand typing a generated key value. Victims could have easy access to a bin full of printed cards, located next to the bin of condoms and the table full of literature. Of course, this would all be located in a victim-only area, preventing the wrong people from using any of the supplied digital keys. Then of course, scanning a card with a QR code would take any “victim” directly to the online accusation form right from her smart phone, and the wrong people ( men’s rights activists and other “trolls” ) would be effectively locked out of the anonymous accusation tool.
As everybody knows, men’s human rights activists are exclusively male, white, cis-gendered, middle aged and angry. They’re easy to spot.
However, when the “men’s rights” website (actually Reddit, thus the scare-quotes) mentioned by Kingkade reported that the form was being flooded with false reports – I posted a comment on the site, including the headline, which read as follows:
“‘Men’s rights activists’ conspire to cripple college rape reporting system with false reports”
GOOD! Go forward, brothers, and fuck their shit up.
Rape is a crime. If somebody has a report to file of being the victim of this crime – file that report with a POLICE ORGANIZATION, not with some jumped up kangaroo court or administrative star chamber. And when operating in an environment where the star-chamber rules – FTSU with the same fraudulent reports they’ve tuned their system to process against you.
However, contrary to the possible perception that the Men’s Rights subreddit is populated exclusively by rape-enabling-neckbeard-MHRA-types (like me) a majority of the individuals reading my comment condemned and down-voted it.
In addition, several follow-on commenters showed a clear understanding which I continue to lack, that false reports of sexual assault are bad, as distinct from non-false reports of the same. The difference being which demographic files those reports, either the female victims of sexual crime, or male sexual criminals.
In response to my Reddit comment:
“This came off so silly and juvenile I thought it was one of the troll comments the mods talked about, but you seem to be some kind of widely-known MRA. In favour of making false reports. Appalling.”
Of course, this comment and the concomitant condemning down-votes created considerable confusion in my mind. The term “false reports” is likely the culprit. My definition was clearly in error. A false report of rape is not one in which the crime being reported did not actually happen. A false report is one made by a non-victim. This obviously requires further clarification of the term “victim.” Not somebody subjected to an actual incidence of sexual violence, but rather a member of the the protected victim demographic – those whose reports of victimization should be correctly made from anonymity, enabled by a system such as that in place at Occidental College in California.
Another response said :
“Fuck their shit up” has to be done with some sophistication, so you don’t look like an asshole with nothing but hate on the agenda. This wasn’t the time to do that….
It certainly would be awful to look like an asshole with nothing but hate on the agenda. But that’s not all the commenter supplied.
When we talk about rape, we are talking about a felony. Unless we’re talking about regretted sex, or drunk sex, or refused sex, or no sex, or imaginary sex, or bad-idea sex, all of which are variously defined as criminal offences or sometimes not criminal offences, depending on legal jurisdictions. Victims, we must understand, are not fully-realized, self possessed adults when the same way that men are. Thus, for victims, consent to sex, enthusiastic participation in sex, and even non-sex do not actually constitute acts of volition. Victimization, including criminal victimization occurs whenever a member of a victim-demographic feels like it.
The Reddit user correctly and roundly condemning my false-reporting endorsement also correctly pointed out that:
All complaints of rape should be handled by law enforcement. No student should agree to be subject to such a process and should hire legal counsel immediately.” [emphasis mine]
Indeed, if we’re going to work towards a more prefect society realizing the doctrine that all animals are equal, it’s important to remain focused on what should be, rather than what is.
But this is very good news indeed for the proponents of rape culture–that’s the cultivated public narrative that rape and sexual assault, are not the lowest-incidenced crimes tracked by law enforcement according to the FBI’s Bureau of Justice Statistics; rather, rape is a dominant feature of our culture. However, to understand how, in the relative absence of rape as defined by law enforcement – rape (of victims) is a foundational feature of the culture, a redefinition of the term is necessary. Thankfully, thousands of individual activist victims have been working on this for years.
You know, like this.
Although the above image is likely a photoshoped fake, it correctly characterizes the meaning of “rape” in the context of feminst-defined “rape-culture.”
The New Rape[TM] isn’t a violent crime, it’s a feeling. A rape occurs not when a victim is victimized, but when a self-selecting victim has an emotion. In fact, in Toronto, while attending a presentation by Drs Paul Nathanson and Catherine Young, I was instructed by a crowd of victims that regret after enthusiastic consensual sex /is/ rape. The post-facto change of opinion from “let’s screw” to “damn, that was a bad idea” is in the mainstream gender ideologue narrative, definitionally rape, and of course, Rape-Culture[TM].
However, as a very bad man, and one prone to use redundant adjectives, my continued re-education by pious bloggers continues. I’m thankful that the other very bad folks, including feminine patriarchal collaborators at AVfM, will continue to afford me space as a token on the site.
And I thank you all for your continued, and very kind attention.


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