3 May 2014

Men's Activism And Anger - MANstream Media v Lame-Stream Media

"...issues about people dying, about peoples lives being destroyed, about almost immeasurable suffering and pain and yet trying to address those issues, because they are about men, in this culture which depends on men so much to make the world go around as it were, talking about those things is met with anger, it's met with more than anger, it's sometimes met with violence, it is met with extreme condemnation, with character assassination. We've regularly been lied about in the (lame-stream) media, we have experienced people trying to do anything they can to discredit us." Paul Elam
Paul Elam: Men's advocates have a very perplexing problem. Many of them are very passionate about justice for everyone in a society that wrongly thinks it is pursuing that very thing; a society that is willing to practice a lot of injustice to prove it.

We literally live in a world that tells us we are nuts and monsters for seeing people in pain and trying to stop it from happening.

It stings even more that many of the men and women (yes, mostly the men) in this movement have had their lives irrevocably harmed because of the very problems they are trying help other people avoid and solve.

Pretty good recipe for anger.

And for a discussion.

It is time for another edition of MANstream Media Monthly, With Dr. Warren Farrell, Tom Golden and Paul Elam.

This month we are tackling the issue of anger, a long alleged problem for too many activists depending on who you are talking to. We will explore whether this is true. And to whatever extent it is, what we can or should do about it.


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