6 Jun 2014

KKK Feminists talk about Elliot Rodger + US Psycho Fems Report

RazorBladeKandy2: A cartoon depicting the feminist view on Elliot Rodger and an exploration of whether or not Elliot Rodger was a men's rights activist.

If you'd like to fact check the statements made in this video.
Here are some sources. He kills 4 men 2 women (shot 3 stabbed 3) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-ne...

Here is his manifesto http://abclocal.go.com/three/kabc/kab...

Download, open in acrobat reader and select "find in document" the keywords: feminism, MRA, MRM, MGTOW, Mens Rights.
None of these words appear. You can scan for those words without even reading it if you don't have the time.

To look for comments, likes, subscriptions, to MRA channels, you can just go to his youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsB...
Look and see if any of those names of any channel he has had activity on, are of MRA's.

I do believe that covers all the facts I put in this video. 


Psycho Fems Report
Songs: The Choir "Kissers and Killers" and "Weather Girl"

Full video of "Weather Girl" at the end of this episode.

From the album "Kissers and Killers" (Re-released as "Speckled Bird.")

Fidelbogen on Elliot Rodgers:


In which I continue to document the out-of-control state of women today. Rape, murder, sexual assault of children, grand theft. It's all there.

I didn't even get a chance to read every story I had bookmarked! Some of it was really depressing, if you saw the news videos that were included. But I was trying to go through and hit every tab and I know I missed a couple.

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