7 Jul 2014

Two Very Stupid Women Comment On The Detroit Conference. Enjoy.

By Mike Buchanan: MSNBC is an online ‘thing’ – I can’t be bothered to find out more – owned by NBC, a big American ‘thing’. One of MSNBC’s (male) ‘journalists’ apparently wrote a scurrilous piece about the Detroit conference which AVfM is challenging, and if MSNBC responds, we’ll bring you that. In the meantime we have a video from MSNBC in which a woman with the IQ of a dim fruitbat interviews a woman with the IQ of a dim wombat about the Detroit conference.

I Still Don't Give A Fuck About Rape - C.O.C.K.


  1. Do I hate myself enough to watch it ? Don't tell me, they've already got an idea about what the MRM is, based not on what MRAs say and do but what other people say about MRAs, and then decide that men couldn't possibly have societal problems, because as we all know, being a man is just great all the time and that admitting men could have problems means that women can't be the sole focus of attention all the damn time. Then they'll cherry pick some weak examples (which are probably satire anyway) of how AVFM "hates" women, while completely ignoring the existence of genuine hate in the feminist camp.

    1. Feminists are so predictably self centred. You are absolutely spot on. I think the above shows how they have no hope now that the sleeping giant aka the MRM has awoken, given the audacious brain trust we have assembled. ...and yet it is the men of equal dopiness that are also weighing down our ship in this storm and threatening to sink us all. In the face of the above, its the white knights and manginas that I begin to fear most.
