26 Aug 2014

Sex Differences in General Intelligence (g) + Positive Discrimination For Women AKA Misandry Or Gynocentrism At The European Commission

Science Vs. Feminism: Adult males have a mean advantage in general intelligence (g) of 8.25 IQ equivalent points (Cohen’s d=0.50–0.60). The variance in IQ scores is 10–20% higher for males.
The combined effects of higher mean and greater variance result in an exponentially increasing male over-representation from average g (IQ=100) and up: from more than 2 males for each female at g=1 SD (IQ=115) to more than 10 males for each female at g=3 SD (IQ=145).[1][2][3][4]

Sex differences in g “ought” to exist
The brains of men and women are not indistinguishable from each other. Sex-related differences in the brain can be found all the way up from the molecular level.
However, there is no need for such extensive investigations into the brain here. Proper examination of basic neurophysiology reveals a clear case for male superiority in g.

Cognitive complexity
Absolute brain size is moderately correlated with g ~ r=0.45.[5][6][7][8][9]
Results from autopsy studies[10][11][12][13] and fMRI[14][15][16] find only a weak brain size–body size correlation ~ r=0.20.
Absolute brain size in men is about 9–12% larger than in women. Males average larger brains from birth[17] and across all age groups,[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] even though girls tend to be taller from ages 10–14.[29] It follows that even after correcting for body size, the brains of men are still larger by 7–10%.

Thus men, with their larger brains, ought to have higher g.
Unfortunately, the simplistic presentation of this argument fails to capture its significance.

Brains can enlarge by adding more neurons, by making existing neurons larger or some combination of both.[30] However, when adding more neurons, the number of connections must increase much faster than the number of neurons in order to maintain connectivity.[31] White matter (which contains long-distance axonal connections)[32][33] is known to increase faster than gray matter,[34] but this increase is not fast enough to fully resolve connectivity.[35] In addition to this design problem, a substantial increase in the ratio of glia–neurons is required to keep up with the increasing energy costs.[36][37] Given these constraints, brains cannot enlarge without undergoing changes to its organization.
Thus, larger brains become increasingly modular,[38] resulting in more processing areas and consequently, exhibit enhanced cognitive abilities. Now unpacked, absolute brain size is better understood as a proxy for cognitive complexity. (This is why absolute brain size is the best predictor of cognitive ability among our non-human friends as well.)[39]
Compared to women, the larger brains of men have 19% more neocortical neurons,[40][41][42][43] 16% more white matter[44] and 28% more neocortical glia.[45] Consequently, men are known to preferentially engage in a Gestalt-style global/holistic processing of information — the very hallmark of complex brain function — as evidenced by their greater specialization of processing areas[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58] coordinating to integrate disparate streams of information into a coherent “whole”.[59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76]
Thus men, with their greater cognitive complexity, ought to have higher g.

Processing efficiency

There are several elementary cognitive tasks designed to investigate an individual’s capacity to process information — the same ability measured by intelligence tests. These elementary tasks serve as uncontaminated measures of g — they have no specific intellectual content and do not reflect differences in motivation, strategy or personality traits.
Reaction Time (RT) is one such measure. Measures of RTs can correlate ~ r=0.70 with g.[77] So, individuals with higher IQs tend to have faster RTs than those with lower IQs. Men consistently have faster RTs than women.[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90]
Temporal Processing (TP), or time perception, is another measure that correlate ~ r=0.45 with g.[91][92] From milliseconds to seconds to minutes, men perceive time more accurately than women do.[93][94][95][96][97][98] That males have a superior neurological clock is particularly interesting because it likely reflects faster updation of mental representations (broadly analogous to faster rendering of demanding 3-D graphics on a computer).
Sensory Functions (SF), which are vital to our everyday life, are also good predictors of measured intelligence. Pitch Discrimination (PD) and Loudness Discrimination (LD) are two basic aspects of auditory SF moderately correlated with g ~ r=0.40.[99] Men outperform women in both PD, LD[100] and by extension, in tonal and speech processing as well.[101]
Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) is the speed at which electrical signals propagate down a neural pathway. NCV is moderately correlated with g ~ r=0.35.[102] Men have faster NCVs, increasing with age, despite their larger bodies and brains.[103]
It is clear from all the aforementioned measures that men process information faster and more efficiently than women do, reflecting their superiority in g.

Domain intelligence

In mental tests that are designed to measure specific abilities (such as mathematical ability, spatial ability or memory), individuals who perform well on one kind of test tend to do well on others while the opposite is true for those who perform poorly.
This ‘general factor’, underlying the different mental abilities, is ‘general intelligence’.
Men outperform women in nearly all aspects of spatial ability, mathematical ability, psychomotor ability and some aspects of verbal ability — all of which indicate a male superiority in g.
This is an extensive topic and will be a discussed in a different post.

The dumbing-down of Intelligence

Recently, several publications have put forth claims such as “there are no sex differences in IQ” or that “women and men are similar in general intelligence” and “sex differences in cognitive abilities are small”.
Fully 100% of these publications ignore many critical factors, rendering their results deeply flawed and ultimately meaningless.
In this section, I’ll capture the biggest offenders.
Standardized IQ tests are constructed such that sex differences will be minimized.
This is done by removing any item that show a large sex bias leaving behind a selection of subtests where any sex bias will cancel each other out. All popular IQ tests, including the many versions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS), Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) and Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test (WCAT), are constructed in this manner.[104][105]
Since the late ’80s, this treatment has been extended to national and international assessments including the SAT, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT), the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and even the armed forces’ standardized tests.[106]
Consequently, all of these tests lack sufficient diversity in their array of sub-tests.
To get around this and uncover sex differences in g, more precise analytical methods, a more diverse array of tests and a large sample are required.[107] Uncontaminated measures of g, such as those mentioned in the previous section, are also viable tools for this purpose.[108]
It’s ridiculous to claim that there are “no sex differences in intelligence” or “sex differences are small” when the tests administered are constructed to render them invisible. Suffice it to say, this has confounded the results from many large-scale expensive investigations from entire departments.
The combined effects of mean and variance are important in group comparisons.

Even if mean differences are absent, dispersion effects should not be ignored. One would think this is obvious but many studies into sex and g fail to report this.[109]
Males tend to show 10–20% greater variance in measures of intellectual capacity, regardless of whether mean differences are present or not (which is highly dependent on the construction of the test).[110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117]
Sex differences in variance are found to emerge even before pre-school and by age 10, boys have a clear mean advantage and greater variance; the combined effects of which result in their exponentially increasing over-representation at higher levels of cognitive ability.[118]
Intelligence is the ‘ultimate weapon’: it eliminates the need for claws, canines and bone-plate armour. As with all traits that directly influence survival and reproductive success, the greater male variability in IQ appears to be a consequence of greater sexual selection on males.[119]
Age and brain development trajectories greatly influence intellectual capabilities.
Boys mature several years after girls do, with a very different developmental trajectory.
The most conspicuous difference is the brain developmental lag seen in males compared to females: the ‘halfway’ point in brain development for females is age 11, whereas the equivalent point for males is age 15 and females are fully mature at around age 22, males at around age 30.[120][121]
It’s nonsensical to use samples of children of Grades 3–12 to generalize sex differences in intelligence because it is guaranteed to underestimate the male advantage ― by a substantial margin ― as such samples containing a much greater proportion of immature males.

The shell game of confounders

One would think even the dumbest social scientist would have figured out the critical factors mentioned in the previous section — indeed, incompetence is not the real problem here.
With the recent shell games involving sex differences in the SAT and national assessments, it has now become clear that such astonishing levels of scientific dishonesty and academic fraud stem from feminist-constructivist activists disguised as scholars.
Contrary to various political claims, the data strongly suggest that women are not under-represented but over-represented in many domains despite their comparatively lower abilities and dispersion around the center. This appears to be the result of highly illogical social policies that bypass filters for ability and skill and instead mandate fixed quotas — various examples of which are now very easy to find in higher educational spheres.

In conclusion, the male advantage in g largely explain why men greatly outnumber women among exceptional people in history and in present-day society.


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Positive Discrimination For Women AKA Misandry Or Gynocentrism At The European Commission
Our thanks to Ian for this. Jean-Claude Juncker, unelected President-elect of the European Commission, is pressurising countries to submit women for top posts. From the article:

Britain will be denied a key role in the European Commission this week unless David Cameron replaces his male candidate with a woman, the body’s new president has indicated.
Jean-Claude Juncker on Monday expressed his frustration that “despite my repeated requests”, most governments, including Britain, have put forward men for the most important positions in Europe.
He warned that the European Commission would be “neither legitimate nor credible” without more women and said that female candidates would have “a very good chance” of getting one of the top jobs.
Sources close to Mr Juncker, whose appointment Mr Cameron attempted to block, said that the remarks were directed at, among others, the British Prime Minister.

Mr Juncker’s comments are likely to be seen as a blow for Mr Cameron, who earlier this year selected Lord Hill of Oareford, who is little-known in European circles, as the candidate to be Britain’s European Commissioner.
Via J4MB

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