30 Dec 2014

A Cure For Feminist Hysteria? + Feminist Personality Disorder

By Mike Buchanan: A J4MB supporter has emailed me in response to the piece I wrote yesterday about Feminist Personality Disorder. As well as Narcissistic Personality Disorder, persecutory delusions, and victim mentality, he suggests that hysteria is almost invariably a component of Feminist Personality Disorder, leading feminists to believe (contrary to all available evidence) that a ‘rape culture’ exists, that the vast majority of domestic violence is inflicted by men upon women, and that ‘over two women a week are killed by partners or ex-partners’. The last claim was, of course, the basis of the first of our two ‘Lying Feminist of the Month’ awards presented to Special Snowflake.
Keen to lean more about hysteria, I checked out the Wikipedia entry on the word – here. An extract from the ‘History’ section:

By the mid to late 19th century, hysteria came to refer to what is today generally considered to be sexual dysfunction. Typical treatment was massage of the patient’s genitalia by the physician and, later, by vibrators or water sprays to cause orgasm.
Might this be a possible cure for feminist hysteria, and go some way towards alleviating Feminist Personality Disorder? The treatment should be made available on the NHS. What a happier world it would be, if all feminists availed themselves of it.



Feminist Personality Disorder
By Mike Buchanan: A supporter has pointed me to a comment by ‘womanofthewoods’ following a typically absurd piece on the Mancheeze website.
Radical feminists suffer from a range of psychological disorders, typically including Narcissistic personality disorder, Persecutory delusions and Victim mentality. Collectively, these amount to Feminist Personality Disorder.
Even if radical feminists were more intelligent they couldn’t engage with rational arguments about gender-related issues, because their fierce misandry would make that impossible. Almost all radical feminists are low achievers, having achieved close to nothing – often actually nothing – outside of the toxic bubble of feminism. They derive their purpose in life from this hateful ideology – if they gave it up, they’d be left with nothing. It’s little wonder that so few radical feminists ever ‘see the light’.
We’ve given our December ‘Whiny Feminist of the Month’ award to ‘womanofthewoods’, but ‘whiny’ hardly does justice to her comments on the Mancheeze blog piece:
Oh, and you are not allowed “not to conform.” It’s not an option. You have a target on your forehead. You cannot escape. Even death may not be an escape because some pervert is going to comment on your body on the autopsy table and rape your corpse.
Non-conformity is not an option. You ARE what they say YOU ARE. You have no choice.
This is NOT a “privilege.”
Her award certificate is here.


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