14 Jan 2015

Buy The Planet - Save The World - A Dollar For The Earth Callenge

A Dollar for the world - A Pound for the planet - A Euro for the Earth
Do something practical and useful - Lets buy the planet.
I hear its for sale and its going cheap.You can buy it up and poison it and destroy it and ruin it to make money. That seems pretty stupid.

Instead I propose we buy it together and stop these things from happening. To help me buy it send paypal donations to...


A trust will be established with the aim of owning the entire planet, managing it sustainably and protecting its biodiversity.

If you don't trust me or The Astronomers - do it yourself - Save your money , get together with your friends and spend all your money buying land and not destroying the Earth. Hey let me know when you've got a thing going on and ill give you some money to help you buy the planet.
Model constitutions for setting up clubs and charities in UK https://www.gov.uk/government/publica...

Of the 7 billion people on Earth 5% own 90% of the land.
They suck at looking after it , so its time for a change.

Buy the planet - Save the Earth - I dare you ......

Deek Jackson

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