9 Jun 2015

Ironic: The G7 Exposes CO2-Linked Man Made Global Warming Lies - Thank You Reuters

: On April 23, 2015, the United Nations Foundation announced the launch of its latest initiative, a partnership with the Jynwel Foundation and the Thomson Reuters Foundation with the main goals being creating and spinning green religion narratives that will positively advertise and highlight the alleged urgent need to implement the UN’s sustainable development goals and the assumed agreements to be drawn up at the climate change conference in December in Paris.
This partnership also includes the training of journalists and media professionals on how to best communicate with the world as they preach the genocidal and pedophile United Nations its climate policies.
Obviously this partnership, training and brainwashing is jet to prove fruitful even the slightest bit given that Reuters’ June 8 article, “G7 leaders bid ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ to carbon fuels,” literally lets the G7 expose its own contrived CO2 narrative and decades-old lies.

  • Reuters: The G7 leaders pledged to “abandon fossil fuels by the end of the century.”
By the end of the century. That means in 85 years from now, that’s about 3 generations.
With this, the CO2-linked man made global warming scam couldn’t be any better exposed than by the inventors of it themselves.

Those few words coming from the G7, through Thomson Reuters, actually strike down two fables in one shot, that CO2 is so very dangerous for the climate (given that they’ll wait another 85 years to stop using fossil fuels, and by then they’ll surely just add another 50+ years) and that there’s an emerging oil shortage that will cause civil unrest.
Some even go as far as to state that by the end of this year this oil shortage will already be noticeable in that the demand will outstrip supply, obviously these voices have different data than what the G7 is working with and in this case I’m convinced that the G7’s oil data (on reserves) is far more accurate. If any such shortage occurs in the coming months or next few years or even decades than such shortage is purely artificial. Deliberately imposed by those who control the markets through deception and warfare.
Reuters journalists clearly still have a lot of indoctrination to go through in this United Nations Foundation partnership until they’ll be able to successfully convince the observing rebellion of buying into their fable-telling.
I suggest that all participants of this UNF green religion propaganda initiative start with explaining THIS first before getting deeper involved in anything else that will tarnish their credibility. But then again, who really cares? Most people believe anything you tell them anyway.


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