11 Jul 2016

Ridiculous Bud Light Commercial Spreads Misleading Propaganda

Men Are Good!: A recent Bud Light Commercial attempts to promote the long refuted wage gap propaganda. In an obvious gynocentric bid to white knight Anheuser-Busch insults the men who are the primary consumers of its product.

Avoid their products and try out a local brewery or micro brewery near you. Huge corporations such as this need to cease their anti-male attitudes and instead need to start helping men. So much that could be done including funding of research on suicide where men are 80% of completed suicides and no one knows why. The sad fact is that there is no money available for researchers to even start asking the questions. Nearly all the money that is available is earmarked for women and girls.
It has been like this for decades and no one blinks. Come on Anheuser-Busch step up and lend a hand to your primary customers rather than insult them with misandrist propaganda.

To let them know what you think of this please contact them at: media@anheuser-busch.com.

You can see the entire commercial here:

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