10 Aug 2016

...Yeah - Emma Watson Goes Full Feminist Retard

DoctorRandomercam: Another standard candle. Thanks Tomás Mugetti for directing me to part 8 of this interview, and bless you for presumably sitting through the other 7.

Angelo: We may be conflating her Hermionini screen persona with Emma the person's intelligence level. It is now obvious that Emma is far from the smartest person in the class and therefore the perfect tool for the unscrupulous with which to hold sway over enough of the hoi polloi as to keep the MHRM in check. 

If only we could find an intelligent male actor who would be happy to be the MHRM's poster child. Bob Geldof is getting on a bit, but I am sure there is a steady stream of famous men being manufactured into possible allies by ubiquitous gynocentrism on a daily basis. We need to fight this fire with fire, because it may be easy for we initiaed MHRA's and MGTOW to get how wrong Watson and Moran are, but the above is surely effective against enough of the unwashed as to be a barrier to the progress of our movement. 

Does anyone have suggestions for possible MHRM ambassadors? Let's get Will Smith or perhaps more to the point, Daniel Radcliffe to discuss the MHRM and show these morons and what's ons how to do it right!

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