19 Sept 2018

The Demonization Of Masculinity Trickles Down To The Schools + Cultural Methods To Reinforce Hatred

Men Are Good!: A look into the ways that masculinity has been demonized and how some of these ways have trickled down into the school system jeopardizing boys. One study is highlighted that examines the dangers faced by playful boys. The research showed that playful boys, exuberant, funny, likable boys were singled out by the teachers in 1st grade and by 3rd grade their classmates had changed their positive opinion of them as playmates to negative. The researchers implicate the teachers in this. Mind blowing stuff.

Here's a link to the full text of the study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...


Cultural Methods To Reinforce Hatred
Men Are Good!: A short walk and talk on the C&O Canal with the topic being how our culture has reinforced the hatred of men.

The book mentioned can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Death-White-So... 
My article on this topic: http://menaregood.com/wordpress/old-h... 
Paul Elam's article: https://www.avoiceformen.com/misandry... 

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