13 Nov 2018

The Philosophy Of Resentment And Hate

johntheother: Mainstream Socialism is nothing more than a disguise for hatred, resentment, and violent theft.

1 comment:

  1. Dear John,

    I'm not a socialist, yet I wholeheartedly endorse the redistribution of the wealth of the descendants of those involved in orchestrating both world wars for profit, what's more the evidence contradicts your statement that socialism invariably ends in failure. ...Even though I lean in your direction and away from socialism, I must admit the following...

    As I am forced to have a government ruling me [which is anathema in my opinion] I would happily redistribute the wealth of the descendants of the likes of Rhodes, Rothschild, Stead, Brett et al. who had spent years setting up the pieces and then using their resources, unimaginable wealth, control of the thrown, government and the primary publications of the British Empire to spin the assassination of a Duke into the death of millions, ...for profit and land theft.

    Here's where the problem is regarding your statement about socialism not working. Historic evidence shows that the Second World War was a straight retaliation by Jewish banking interests [Banksters, Rothschild] against the >>>German National Socialist Workers' Party<<<, if anyone can remember them under the never-ending post WWII propaganda.

    You may know those socialists by the name NAZI.

    The NAZIS, that I prefer to call by their real name, because it sounds less like a fairytale monster and more like the great people they were, were so successful that we are still more or less using their technological achievements to leave orbit, ...who's roads remain the best designed on our planet, who brought their nation back from the brink and to previously unimaginable heights. Heights that I believe we are yet to recover. These 'German National Socialist Workers', were so successful that people from every European nation flocked to them, to Germany, creating SS corps from every European Nation and it is little reported that this included 2 all Jewish SS corps.

    The German National Socialists ejected the private bankers and took back control of their own money supply into government, i.e. they eliminated the leaching banking class, IMO the primary reason for their success, not forgetting that they possessed great drive to improve their country for all it's people. ...They were certainly no more racist than the British and it is noteworthy that Jesse Owens himself pointed out that Hitler had the decency to congratulate him on his Gold, whilst the US President didn't even send him a telegram. ...Because he was black.

    I do not consider that to be a failed socialist experiment, ...just because the Banksters shit themselves, realizing that if the other nations finally figured out, the secret of the German's success, the banksters would soon lose their licenses in the UK, France and the USA and the gravy train would come to an end. ...So they mobilized their owned media and pocketed politicians just as they did in the so-called Great War to put the Germans down as quickly and viciously as possible, ...to make an example of them.

    There is a clear example of socialism not only working, but in fact achieving new heights in civilization.
