25 Jul 2020

Documentary: A VOID - Official Introduction Trailer 2020

Ava Brighton:
Campaign can be found on: https://igg.me/at/a-void 


  1. Good luck Ava. There are so many excellent MHRAs.

    Just one small note. "AVfM The Men's Rights Movement"? Paul Elam's so conceited and full of hot air it's sickening. His choice of words is very telling. He want's the MHRM to be remembered as his legacy and says that many men in the movement are crazy and he wants them silenced.

    There was a men's rights movement before Paul Elam decided to cash in with his AVfM money making venture with ulterior motives.

    As a man who has had verbal exchanges with Paul Elam in person and online I can tall you what Paul thinks constitutes crazy. Paul Elam spends his time trying to censor other Men's rights channels and Father's rights channels that might take issue with e.g. the Jews "Apartheid Walls" in occupied Palestine, because he's an advocate for Jewish Israel. If you're not for Jewish Israel after serious verbal abuse Paul calls you crazy and tries to shut you down. Paul Elam literally works for the Jewish Lobby I know of a few he's attacked, I've been his target too and he is proudly pro-apartheid.

    As a person who'd already fought for men's rights for many years as an UK F4J father for justice before the Jewish Israel Lobby gave us Paul Elam I have to say that this money grubbing hard core Zionist does not speak for me, neither does he constitute the Men's Movement, in fact he's my definition of crazy, ...yet unlike him I'd fight for his right to free speech, which I think nails him to a post quite nicely.

    My advice would be to avoid Paul Elam at all costs. Unless of course you too want to see all the Palestinian Gentiles irradiated, or continuing to treated in a manner that Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu and the South African Government have said is far worse than apartheid.

    You see Paul Elam thinks all these people are crazy and you should see him loose his cool with those of us who are anti-apartheid, quite the spectacle, this despicable two faced leech on the men’s movement.

    1. Canaldiver 59

      @Angelo Let me stop you right there. If this was about the Palestinian Gentiles, about anti Zionism and anti-Jew, I'd say you got a point there. But watching the trailer this is about exposing feminism. Not about Palestinians.
      I probably saw one of your rants on Paul's page: You blame Zionists for everything, Paul tells you to go fuck yourself and to go wear a tutu. Then you're against Paul because now he's 'working for the Jewish lobby.'

      You're anti Jew, pro Palestinian read modern socialist read commie. BLM, right? Defund the police and all that. Antifa that is. That means voting Biden, meaning voting feminism, meaning going against men's rights. And the lot of you just don't seem to realize you are voting a feminist straight into office.
      Just start a Palestinian Liberation Front page if you are so fond of them: Why not. I'm fond of Palestinians too. I'm crazy about them. But... I don't think this is about Palestinians.
      It's not even political. It's about a corporation which is called Feminism.
      I will watch the trailer again.
      Maybe I'm completely wrong and this is all about Palestinian Gentiles and I just didn't see it.

      Then maybe you could say something stupid about Jews or Zionists while I watch.

    2. No. Didn't your father teach you not to ass/u/me. You missed my theme almost completely. My many Jewish lovers can only label me as a Philo-Semite. Perhaps you find that juxtaposition confusing.

      In my comment I am simply taking issue with one voice in the above video, Paul Elam's, who you mentioned only once in your diatribe. You betray yourself. I focused on Paul Elam's statement "AVfM The Men's Rights Movement".

      And secondly regarding his other statements about crazy men in the movement that are censored. I qualified with my personal knowledge of what Paul Elam meant by crazy men in our movement.

      Anti War and Anti-Apartheid does not constitute crazy in my book, ...maybe you think it does.

    3. Angelo you’re a democratic socialist, aren’t you?

    4. What's your point? ...There does not exist a main stream political entity with any chance of victory in any nation of the anglo-sphere that represents me, or deserves my support and I believe that is true for the majority and that most of those who do vote do so on the basis of voting for the lesser of two evils, i.e. they vote for evil and they know it.

      I am militantly anti-evil. Interestingly it's difficult to get meaningful funding for the political victory rather than the standard lame stream lip-service of that point of view.

      I do support J4MB the UK Justice for Men & Boys party today and represented a chapter of F4J UK twenty years ago, so I guess that makes me a MHRA men's human rights activist/advocate. What's the label for all that? What's the team called that's militantly anti-war anti-apartheid and pro-egalitarian, because it's 100% for sure not the UK labour, UK conservatives, US democrats, or US republicans for anyone with at least one eye, a brain and memory.

      Actual free market capitalist? I could live with that as part of my epithet.
