29 Jan 2021

Countries In Which Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Of Covid Was Permitted Have A 79% Lower Covid Mortality Rate...

...rendering Coronavirus far less dangerous than either Influenza A, or B ...Meanwhile in the UK and Israel where the populations have been used as guinea-pigs for Bill Gates so-called vaccines, deaths have spiked!

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: As I early reported, HCQ with zinc and azithromycin cures Covid. President Trump said so too.  Big Pharma wanted to sell a vaccine.  Their agent Dr. Fauci and the presstitutes who wanted yet another issue with which to attack Trump declared HCQ harmful.  A couple of false studies got published and were used to block the use of HCQ.  Consequenty, many people died for the sake of presstitute criticism of President Trump.  

Social media such as Facebook censored experts who reported HCQ’s effectiveness.  Now the American Journal of Medicine has admitted that the evidence supports HCQ’s safety and effectiveness.  Facebook admits it made a mistake, a mistake that contributed to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.  Has the moron running Facebook learned the lesson that censorship is deadly?

Here is the story:  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/440000-americans-dead-facebook-american-journal-medicine-admit-stand-hcq-wrong-people-prosecuted/

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