18 Apr 2021

The Jews Treat Palestinians The Way They Pretend German National Socialist Workers [AKA The Nazis] Treated Them

We're told that the German National Socialist Workers' Party who nationalised formerly Jewish owned German Banking [thereafter known via Jew owned Hollywood as the bad guys, "The Nazis"] had “the Jewish problem.” The real problem being that after the Jewish bankster monkey was shaken from the Germans' backs by the German workers, creating the so-called economic miracle, the Jews then used their control of Western banking to mobilise the rest of us to attack Germany and her allies, aka WWII.

We know that colonialist Jews today have “the Palestinian problem.” The problem being that the indigenous Gentiles of Palestine won’t simply lay down and die, so the Jews have had to commit to their slow motion genocide.

The Jews had a similar problem with the Russian Tsar as they had with German socialists so they slaughtered his family along with over 100 million Russian Christians. The Jews think they’re the chosen ones and so by proxy have a problem with all Gentiles so they were quite happy to monopolise white and black slavery for over 400 years until white protestants put an end to it. …I see a pattern. - Angelos G. Agathangelou

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Were told that the so-called Nazis had “the Jewish problem.”  We know that the Jews today have “the Palestinian problem.” https://www.rt.com/op-ed/521305-israeli-settlers-palestinians-violence/ 

The US Congress has long been owned by the Jewish Lobby.  Indeed, members of the US Congress routinely put Jewish Israel ahead of the interests of Americans and human rights. As far as The Jews and the US Congress are concerned, Palestinians have no rights to life, to medical care, to their homes, to their farms, or to their country.  Indeed, the entire history of Israel in the 20th and 21st centuries consists of slow genocide of the Palestinians.  If Israel had exterminated the Palestinians all at once, it would have caused an uproar, but done bit by bit it has become acceptable.

The US Congress has supported this genocide with endless billions of American taxpayers’ dollars, thus turning every American taxpayer for a second time into an accomplice of genocide and the theft of a country. Jews have said that having done in centuries past the same thing to the Indian tribes, Americans have no basis for complaining about Israel repeating the policy.

Members of Congress who think Jewish Israel should be held to the same standards as North Korea and express or act upon such belief are invariably faced in their reelection with a smear campaign organized by the Israel Lobby and a generously financed opponent. Journalists who report accurately on Israel have truncated careers.

Nevertheless, a few members of Congress soldier on and try to introduce a small sliver of morality into US Middle East policy.  They get no help from the American print and TV presstitutes or from NPR as these organizations have long been in the Israel Lobby’s hands.

If you care to know what a brave woman is and to read an example of real unafraid journalism, read this Intercept report by Alex Kane on US Rep. Betty McCollum’s (D, Minn) effort to put a few limits on American support for genocide: https://theintercept.com/2021/04/14/israel-palestine-us-aid-betty-mccollum/ 

Some members of Congress objected to Biden’s decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan after twenty years of gratuitous destruction and murder by arguing that the troops were needed there to enforce women’s rights as defined by US feminism in order to revolutionize, that is, exterminate, Islamic culture.  Will these members support Betty McCollum’s effort to reduce American support for Israel’s culture of violence?

Democrats went berserk over George Floyd’s death to the extent of defunding police and permitting rioting and looting of business districts in US cities.  In Palestine, many George Floyds die every day from Israeli violence, and this is perfectly acceptable to the bought- and-paid-for US Congress.

There is some hope. In 2007 a new Jewish lobby organization, J Street, was founded.  This Jewish group opposes the use of US aid for the oppression of the Palestinian people.  Recently, a senior vice president of J Street said that Israel’s annexation of Palestine and violence against the Palestinian people undermines “Israel’s own long-term future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people.” AIPAC regards all criticism of Israel as hate speech and, thus, regards J Street as “anti-semitic.” AIPAC is lobbying hard for federal legislation that criminalizes criticism of Israel. If AIPAC succeeds in criminalizing criticism of Israel, there will be no hope for the Palestinian people or for the souls of the US Congress.



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