25 May 2021

No Surprise: Islamophobia Always A 'Problem' In Jew Shill Conservative Party By Design, Report And Experience Shows

Angelos Agathangelou: Of course Jew owned Sky News hardly scratches the surface in a weak play to support their usual Zio-Shill propaganda and remain relevant. The fact that Boris brushed under the carpet in The House Of Commons the Jew Lobby damning 4 part Al Jazeera exposé that showed the staff at Jewish apartheid regime Israel's embassy on video conspiring and acting to bring down UK government ministers is far more indicative of which side Johnson's bread's buttered than the weak name calling Sky has on offer. My personal experiences in the South West conservative HQ where a Jewish bankster from Australia bankrolling the conservatives also called the shots on hiring and firing along with the Jews shakedown of Labour and Corbyn seals the actual reality of why British people are begging in the streets whilst we have billions to spend bailing out banksters and for never ending wars and bombs in support of The Jews' worse than apartheid [Says South African Govt.] land theft project aptly named "IsRealHell" by many.

Bankster-Jews to the right of us Zio-Jews to the left of us, into the political valley of death ride the majority Gentile British people. No money for our poor, but billions of our taxes always at the ready at a moment's notice for weaponry and financial support for genocidal anti-Gentile Jewish land theft apartheid...

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