27 Jun 2021

The Jew Now Running UK Political Party 'Labour' Has Banned Anti-Gentile Israel Regime Sanctions Debate - Quelle Surprise

Zionist Jew Keir Starmer the new anti-Gentile pro-apartheid Israel labour leader has relentlessly purged the labour party.

By Asa Winstanley: UK Labour officials have prevented a party debate on sanctions against anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel, which had been planned for Thursday night.

The officials claimed that the discussion could lead to “anti-Semitic behavior.”

A motion, passed by a local Labour branch, calls for Israel to “end its violation of the human rights of Palestinians” and for the UK government to “impose legal sanctions on Israel,” specifically an end to arms sales and “trade with illegal settlements.”

The motion also called for “an end to the illegal occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” You can read it in full below.

But Kim Bolton – chair of the Hove and Portslade Constituency Labour Party (CLP), near Brighton in the south of England – ruled that members would not be allowed to even discuss the motion.

The discussion “would undermine the party’s ability to provide a safe and welcoming space for all members, in particular Jewish members,” a regional party officer had advised her, Bolton stated.

That officer was Scott Horner, Labour’s South East regional officer.

“I support that view,” stated Bolton of Horner’s advice.

“The motion from Goldsmid and Hove Park branch requesting sanctions against Israel risks opening a debate that will stir up internal conflict in our CLP and may lead to further anti-Semitic behavior,” she claimed, without explaining what the alleged “anti-Semitic behavior” had been.

Neither Horner nor Labour Party headquarters replied to requests for comment.

Collage shows two different men

Labour’s Hove MP Peter Kyle (left) is an officer in lobby group Labour Friends of Israel. Regional official Scott Horner (center and right) said sanctions on Israel would make Jewish members feel unwelcome.

Ironically, Bolton and Horner’s statements in themselves demonstrate anti-Jewish sentiment.

They assume all Jewish members of Labour will be pro-Israel and opposed to sanctions against the violent, racist state of Israel.

Local sources told The Electronic Intifada that Bolton was renowned as a right-winger.

But one source said it was likely she was doing the bidding of the local right-wing Labour lawmaker, Peter Kyle.

Kyle is one of the vice-chairs of Labour Friends of Israel, a pro-Israel lobby group with close ties to the Israeli embassy in London.

It was Hove CLP that in 2019 proposed a landmark motion on Palestine to Labour Party conference, which passed almost unanimously.

“How things have changed”

That motion called for sanctions on Israel, to recognize the Nakba of 1948 in which 800,000 Palestinians were expelled by Zionist forces and called for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.

“How things have changed since 2019,” one local Labour Party member lamented.

“Now we can’t even discuss it,” the member said.

Local members are “really pissed off,” the member explained.

Becky Massey, a second Brighton area source, told The Electronic Intifada that it was exactly because of the Hove CLP’s leading role on Palestine solidarity that officials were purging the local branch.

“No wonder Labour have had to have such a big clear out in Hove,” Massey said.

Last year The Electronic Intifada revealed that Massey – a leading Brighton-area Palestine solidarity activist – was expelled from Labour after the Board of Deputies of British Jews – a pro-Israel lobby group – sent the party a hit list of activists. The Board demanded that the activists be kicked out of Labour.

Since Keir Starmer – a right-winger and self-declared supporter of Zionism – became Labour leader last year, he and his allies have relentlessly purged the party of the left and the Palestine solidarity movement.

Starmer has handed more and more powers in the party over to Israel’s lobby – even hiring a former Israeli spy to work in his office.

But a recent poll found that 61 percent of Labour Party members still support BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel, while only 8 percent oppose it.



Mo#on to call upon the Israeli government to end its viola#on of the human rights of Pales#nians
and to impose sanc#ons against Israel.
The recent events beginning with the a>empt to forcibly expel Pales#nians from their homes in
Sheikh Jarrah and Israeli forces storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound call for urgent ac#on to end
the bombardment of Gaza and to introduce sanc#ons against Israel for con#nuing to operate as an
apartheid state. San#ons worked against South African apartheid state. They would also work to end
the apartheid ac#ons which have been perpetuated by Israel in the past 54 years since the unlawful
occupa#on of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights following the 6 day war.
In 2009, a legal study was commissioned and coordinated by the Human Sciences Research Council
(HSRC) of South Africa on the Israeli government's prac#ces in the occupied Pales#nian territories
under interna#onal law. The report noted that one of the most 'notorious' aspects of South Africa’s
Apartheid policy was the 'racial enclave policy' manifested in the Black Homelands called bantustans,
and added in rela#on to the policies pursued by the Israeli government in the occupied territories:
"As the apartheid regime in South Africa, Israel jus#fies these measures under the pretext of
'security'. Contrary to such claims, they are in fact part of an overall regime aimed at preserving
demographic superiority of one racial group over the other in certain areas". According to the
report, these prac#ces in the occupied Pales#nian territories correlate almost en#rely with the
defini#on of apartheid as established in Ar#cle 2 of the Interna#onal Conven#on on the Suppression
and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.
The Human Rights Watch report dated 27
of April 2021 – “A Threshold Crossed – Israeli authori#es
in the crimes of apartheid and persecu#on” should convince any scep#cal person that the Israeli
state is an apartheid state. So, for example there are currently 6.8 million Jewish Israelis who are
free to live throughout Israel, East Jerusalem, and most of the West Bank. Pales#nian ci#zens of
Israel are effec#vely barred from hundreds of small Jewish towns in Israel and largely concentrated
on about 3% of the land; as regards East Jerusalem, Israel guarantees residency rights to Jewish
Israelis but, for Pales#nians, residence is condi#onal and revocable. Pales#nian West Bank ID holders
are effec#vely barred from building in the majority of the West Bank and from entering Israeli
se>lements there. Pales#nian Gaza ID holders are barred with few excep#ons from leaving Gaza or
living in the other part of the occupied territories (i.e. the West Bank including East Jerusalem).
This is the same situa#on as was perpetrated by the two infamous apartheid laws in South Africa –
the Group Areas Acts (1950, 1957, 1966) and the Bantu Homelands Ci#zenship Act 1970 which
limited movement of black africans, re-inforced by pass books, and established separate bantustans
or homelands across South Africa and, significantly, in South African-occupied South West Africa
Given their first hand experience of Apartheid, the South African view of the current state of affairs
in Israel is per#nant and should be heeded. In 2001 Former President of South Africa Nelson
Mandela said
Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Israel has deprived millions of Pales#nians of
their liberty and property. It has perpetuated a system of gross racial discrimina#on and inequality.
It has systema#cally incarcerated and tortured thousands of Pales#nians contrary to the rules of
interna#onal law and waged war against a civilian popula#on, in par#cular children.”
South Africa’s
current President, Cyril Ramaphosa more recently explained: “As long as that struggle persists we
will be on the side of the Pales#nians...we will always be
on the right side because we know what is
happening there, it’s gross apartheid taking place there and we cannot countenance a situa#on
which is a duplicate or
replica of what we went through .......”
In response to current events
South Africa's
Cabinet said:
"[We] strongly condemn the a>acks on Pales#nian protesters at Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome on
the Rock and the unlawful evic#ons of Pales#nians from their
homes in the Sheikh al Jarrah in the
annexed East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli se>lements. Israel's ac#ons are in stark viola#on of
interna#onal law, and a total
disregard of the United Na#ons Security Council Resolu#ons, (UNSC)
including Resolu#ons 446 (1979) and 2334 (2016) which explicitly call for an end to
occupa#on and the fulfilment of the rights of the Pales#nian people, including to self-
determina#on and independence...Cabinet calls on Israel to stop the barbaric
a>acks on
The Hove and Portslade CLP call upon the leader of the Labour Party and the Shadow
Foreign Secretary to strongly urge the government to:
Call on the Israeli government for an end to its viola#on of the human rights of Pales#nians
and for an end to the illegal occupa#on of the Gaza strip and the West Bank
Impose legal sanc#ons on Israel for its repeated viola#ons of interna#onal law, and, in
par#cular, place an embargo on arms sales and end trade with illegal se>lements

Goldsmid and Hove Park



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