14 Jul 2021

Nikola Tesla Predicted Feminism - MGTOW

"The struggle of the human female towards sex equality will end in a new sex order with the female as superior" -Nikola Tesla
Sandman: You’ve spoken about Nikola Tesla as a god among MGTOW, and (if you haven’t already) I was wondering if you could comment on his prophetic statements concerning a worldwide wireless system that would eventually manifest itself as a sort of global “brain,” so to speak. I think that it’s obvious that this vision is becoming reality. He was a true genius, but even he does not seem to have predicted the overbearing influence of the female hive mind. They can’t seem to allow any primarily male spaces, male thought, whether in the physical or the digital realm. They follow us here, there, and everywhere, if only just to be critical. Is it my imagination that the dysfunctional histrionic female mind at present seems to be dominating the battlefield of public attitude? They never seem to be satisfied, Sandman; they never seem to stop coming. As everything becomes more and more connected, more and more digital, will we ever escape? Will they win the battle of the internet and use the wireless global brain to trap us in a never ending neurotic nagfest?" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for that donation. Tesla wanted to build a series of transmission towers all over the world and connect the global brain together. But what exactly was it? Some of the early developers of computer technology wanted to patent their designs and when they tried they found that he already had patents for them. So if he was born twenty or thirty years later that he could have also invented the computer. The global brain he was speaking about sounds a lot like the internet doesn't it? He also predicted that people would have devices that would fit in their pocket that would allow them to see and hear people playing music and receiving stock information remotely all over the world. He also wasn't talking out of his ass as he developed the world's first remote control boat when he figured out and patented the radio. Now we have cel phones and server farms and I think that's what Tesla was envisioning. It's not that his vision is becoming a reality. It already is reality. As for women there are two article one from 1924 and another from 1926 that I've shared in the description that share his thoughts.

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