8 Jul 2021

You Are The Solution, You Are The Change - Clive De Carle And Jason Liosatos - BANNED By YouTube

Jason Liosatos: "I'm happy to advise people that taking any untested, untried genetic modification agent is really foolish. I love the cartoon where the two rats are having a chat and one of then says, 'well I'm not taking it until the human trials are over!'" -Clive De Carle

1 comment:

  1. The alternative to governments is the same as the alternative to kings, it's called democracy and that's definitely not voting on who's going to be mummy, or king for the next 4-5 years, as we've been doing, but everyone voting on every issue.

    Who was it that conned us into thinking that voting for a king/queen for a set amount of time was democracy, ...or did we just boil like frogs in a pot through the ages?

    It's time for a rethink, it's time for ODG Open Direct Government by The People.

    For those who fear the will of the undereducated masses I would say, there's bound to be a learning curve, but I doubt that The People could do a worse job than the power seeking governments who take us to never ending wars and sell us out to Banksters and Big Pharma and whoever else happens to be the highest bidder of the moment.

    King Big Pharma Shill Boris, Queen Zio-Shill May, King Warmonger Blair. What a load of codswallop!
