11 Feb 2022

Wanted - Joe Rogan For Killing Dinosaurs

Every day is an IQ test...

Submission authored by Liam Salvatore: Every day is an IQ test, and many are failing it. Mark Dice, a popular Youtuber, often creates humorous petitions that are both entertaining and indicting of public ignorance. For example, he recently took to the streets of California to ask random people their opinions on Joe Rogan’s hunting the Triceratops in Africa and asked them to sign a petition to have the Triceratops added to the list of endangered species.

Triceratops hasn’t walked the earth since the Late Cretaceous period 68 million years ago. However, to listen to the people on California’s streets, you would think these extinct 12-ton vegetarians are still rumbling through suburbia, gorging on people’s nicely manicured flower beds like nuisance deer. The last known predator of the Triceratops was the Tyrannosaurus Rex until Joe Rogan decided he would stalk the Serengeti in Africa and trophy hunt the lumbering three-horned leviathan. On a side note, Triceratops roamed the North American continent, not Africa, so Mr. Rogan is hunting in the wrong place!

Sad but amusing, people openly expressed their disdain for Joe Rogan’s dinosaur hunting. Mark dice asked people, “Joe Rogan is over there on a big game hunt trying to kill Triceratops. He’s done it in the past, and a lot of people are really upset about that. Should Americans be allowed to go over and hunt Triceratops in Africa?” People responded with outrage and contempt for the dinosaur hunting Joe Rogan and agreed that it must be stopped for the sake of endangered species everywhere.

The next time we wonder how is it possible that so many destructive liberal politicians from the halls of congress down to the local school boards are elected, look no farther than what Mark Dice has taught us. When the very same people who are upset over the hunting of extinct dinosaurs go to the polls and vote, one needs to look no further for the answer.


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