20 Mar 2022

Lavrov: You Can't Talk To Russia Like That! + 30 United States Military Biological Laboratories Located In Ukraine! +

"We will have no illusions that The West can be a reliable partner and we will have no illusions that The West will betray us at any moment, betray anyone and betray their own values."

RN: At a press conference in Turkey at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov answered a number of journalists' questions regarding Russia's military operation in Ukraine, Ukraine crisis. In particular, one of the questions concerned the Ukrainian maternity hospital, allegedly shelled by Russian troops, as well as the economic situation in Russia.




30 United States Military Biological Laboratories Are Located In Ukraine!

RN: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, quote: the revealed facts show the colossal scale of the illegitimate activities of the United States in the distribution of its military biological laboratories around the world. There are hundreds of these laboratories, including almost 30 of them located in Ukraine. Many of them were created in a number of other countries of the former Soviet Union exactly along the perimeter of the borders of Russia, China and other countries located here. Biological weapons in Ukraine.






Putin told the whole truth about the military operation in Ukraine - Russia Ukraine conflict

RN: Russian President Vladimir Putin told the whole truth about the military operation in Ukraine. In his message, he spoke about the genocide in Donbas, about the shelling of civilians, about the fact that the Kiev authorities ignored and sabotaged the implementation of the Minsk Package of Measures for the Peaceful Settlement of the Crisis for many years, but at the end of last year they publicly abandoned its execution. About Kyiv's intentions to create nuclear weapons aimed against Russia. The fact that in Ukraine there was a network of dozens of laboratories where military biological programs were carried out under the direction and with the financial support of the Pentagon and NATO, including experiments with samples of coronavirus, anthrax, cholera, African swine fever and other deadly diseases. And that Ukraine, encouraged by the United States and a number of Western countries, was purposefully preparing for a scenario of force, a bloody massacre and ethnic cleansing in the Donbass. And many many others.







Russian FM Lavrov on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, West sending weapons and surviving sanctions

1 comment:

  1. "We will have no illusions that The West can be a reliable partner and we will have no illusions that The West will betray us at any moment, betray anyone and betray their own values."

    Now that is a popper curse, because it's true and we in The West who know what a sham our faux democracies are are shaking our heads in disbelief at how easy it is for the powers that be to exploit the minority among us who are permanently gullible in order to keep the sham going.

    The bastards have it down to such a fine art that even Building 7 still standing live whilst the hired hands, the propagandists read from their scripts that the sting's already gone down and millions dying from experiments gene therapy injections even reported through existing systems can prevail without a hitch, as long as the middle management can keep a straight face.

    Real press shows us not 1, but 2 in depth 4 part series of fifth columnists, foreign agents within our UK and US states caught red handed trying to bring down our elected officials [proof that a couple of real souls do exist who clearly stumbled into the wrong party] and in our case Boris simply parries and buries the exposé in the house of commons the next day.

    We are a joke and look at what we in the UK and USA have caused to happen in Ukraine after decades of Russia begging us for talks over their reverse Cuban missile crisis style concerns for their own security.

    We are worse than a joke, we are a sin.
