27 Mar 2022

WIll Smith Confirms His Status As A Hen Pecked Uber Simp

Will Simp & G I Jane v Chris Rock

AGA: Chris Rock has gone up in my estimation. He took it like a man.

Chris should sue Will Smith for Will Smith's own good and for the good of the general public Will influences, because that kind of behaviour should never be countenanced.

This confirms that Will Smith is completely and utterly under his wife's thumb. That's a clear mental disorder created by a mental wife. Will actually laughed at first and was then given his marching orders with one look from G I Jane. Will's that 'under manners'.

So what if she has alopecia, that doesn't stop her, or excuse her from clearly being a horrible, uptight and controlling woman, ...if we are to take Will Simp and G I Jane's various shows of washing their dirty linen in public at face value.

This is definitely Will Simp's version of a cry for help and maybe finding his wallet a few tens of millions of dollars lighter will help him and perhaps even help G I Jane to seek the help they both clearly need. Didn't care before, now it's Will Simp and G I Jane forever.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is a story all about how
    Will's life got flipped turned upside down
    And he'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
    He'll tell you how he became a simp to a wife with no hair.
