11 Mar 2022

We’ve Been LIED To About Why Ukraine War Began + Ukraine Detail Nobody’s Talking About + "They Planned It All Along"

Russell Brand: How did a US-backed, far right–led revolution in Ukraine help bring us to the situation we find ourselves in today with regard to the Russian invasion?






Additional 2014 MOF link - note the rampant censorship, the videos, etc. you may not see. This is why they banned RT. And yes, shocker, she's another warmongering Jew - Victoria "THE WAR BITCH" Nuland:

  "FUCK THE EU" Says Snr US State Dept. Official Caught In Phone Chat Rigging Ukraine Government! https://stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2014/02/fuck-eu-snr-us-state-dept-official.html






The Ukraine Detail Nobody’s Talking About

Russell Brand: Events in Ukraine have seen interest resurface in the business dealings of the president’s son with Ukraine, Russia and China. Is this yet another past “conspiracy theory” that can no longer be dismissed?

Reference: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2...








"They Planned It All Along"

Russell Brand: Did you know that the WEF were talking about digital IDs back in 2016, 4 years before the pandemic?! Nick Corbishley, author of 'Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean The End of Privacy and Personal Freedom' tells us more...

Nick's New Book: Scanned - https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/... 

Article: https://medium.com/id2020/immunizatio...


  1. Russell's doing good work, but he needs to catch up with a few key details.

    He clearly didn't hear the leaked taped phone call of the US military high command telling the Ukrainian leadership who would and who wouldn't be in power, in the rudest manner.

    This is really all our fault and faffing about with complex this and nuanced that is precisely how they want us, ...confused.

    If the Americans really cared about democracy so much, as Russell rightly implies, then they wouldn't have instructed their world's biggest scariest army to call and threaten a small foreign nation and issue orders in a matter of fact manner as to who may not and who will absolutely be the next leader, or else.

    The fact that the tape of such an event is available and yet has never been reported to us by the BBC et al., and they surely know of its existence, is another issue.

    And what "business interests" were being served by the 30 plus US army bio weapons labs the Americans have just been forced to admit to? Plague, anthrax, tularaemia, cholera and other deadly pathogens in illegal US bio-warfare laboratories.

    As Dr. Roberts correctly asks, "What was Washington going to do with these pathogens? Which populations were going to be recipients of these gifts from Washington?" ...I ask in addition, what light does this admission by the US shed on the last two years of international Covid fascism.

    This is not a complex issue at all; it's our fault, first the leadership and then we the people who elected them to lead us in the US & UK, plain and simple. ...Sure there are nuances and complexities in life, but they are all side issues to the main point that we in the so-called Five Eyes nations are living as Derek and Clive put it in "Gestapo Carzies" aka "Fascist Toilets".

    I cannot remember when the Russians travelled to the other side of the world to attack another nation, their wars seem to be many times fewer than ours and close to their borders. We on the other hand, lead by the new American empire, have had over 50 wars since WWII in the remotest locations to our nations.

    I also notice that there is never any proof offered just lip-service and insults that the Russians, or specifically the latest James Bond villain Putin are evil, but there is always plenty of televised and recorded evidence that our governments are populated by war criminals and fascists.

    Until we can retreat our army to within our own borders, where all armies should exist in defence only of their nations, I'm ashamed to be British. Our system is clearly broken, not fit for purpose, our own so-called civil servants are in fact really our jailers and we are sheeple in tax farms for the use of corporations and oligarchs.

    1. Additional: Here's the US state department caught on tape before the election ordering who will win the election: https://stgeorgewest.blogspot.com/2014/02/fuck-eu-snr-us-state-dept-official.html

      "FUCK THE EU" Says Snr US State Dept. Official Caught In Phone Chat Rigging Ukraine Government!
