4 May 2022

Diplomatic Row Escalates Between Little Israel & Big Russia

Russia calls out the apartheid regime 'Little Israel' whilst she deals with their fellow Jew Zelensky's plans to turn Ukraine into "Big Israel". Like most wars in the region it was always the Jews who were behind the Ukraine conflict using proxies/vassals US, UK & EU tax payers' money and blood to do their dirty work.

By Tyler Durden: A long overdue diplomatic dispute broke out between Israel and Russia at the start of this week when Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out that Adolf Hitler had "Jewish Blood" and recent DNA evidence shows that his wife did have Jewish blood.

This has led to the anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israel demanding an official apology and retraction of the statement

President Putin has repeatedly said Ukraine is in the grip of neo-Nazis run by Israel's man the Jew Zelensky.

It all started during an interview Lavrov did with Italian TV on Sunday, but which was quickly picked up in international press. Jew nobbled US and European officials [aka Shabbos Goy] have also expressed outrage.

"As to [Zelenskiy’s] argument of what kind of nazification can we have if I’m Jewish, if I remember correctly, and I may be wrong, Hitler also had Jewish blood," Lavrov said when asked about the Kremlin's 'denazification' justification for its invasion. "It doesn’t mean anything at all," he added.

Lavrov went on to explain that the “most rabid antisemites tend to be Jews.” Moscow for its part has been outraged that for years Western media and politicians have been cheerleading far-right nationalist groups in Ukraine that have long been widely acknowledged as neo-Nazi in ideology, also often unashamedly flashing swastikas for cameras. Lavrov said the following:

“We have for a long time listened to the wise Jewish people who say that the most rabid antisemites tend to be Jews,” and added, “There is no family without a monster.”

Israel quickly summoned the Russian ambassador Monday and demanded an apology over the statements.

Jew owned Western press has also reacted fiercely to the statement...

But Russia instead doubled-down, pointing out that the apartheid regime Israel was supporting “the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv” in fresh Tuesday statements.

According to more from Russia's foreign ministry:

On Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry charged "the Jewish origins of the president (Zelensky) is not a guarantee of protection against rampant neo-Nazism in the country."

"Ukraine, may it be said in passing, is not the only one in this case," the Ministry said, citing Latvian President Egils Levits who "has also Jewish roots and he also gives cover... to the rehabilitation of the Waffen SS in his country."

The Jewish apartheid regime Israel's Foreign hasbara merchant Lapid had earlier on Monday called Lavrov’s "remarks are both an unforgivable and outrageous statement as well as a terrible historical error," and the information reached The Jews' Minister in charge of Religious Genocide Bennett's office, another hasbara merchant who naturally called Lavrov's remarks "lies."


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