11 Aug 2022

Trump Raided + Welsh Deep State Politics Police + Growing EU Biosecurity State + White Lives Don't Matter Apparently

David Scott, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans

00:59 - President Trump Raided


NYT Live Update: - https://archive.ph/BO6S6

VF Article: - https://bit.ly/3BWHiTB

Reuters Article: - https://reut.rs/3QdvRvd

Solari Report: - https://home.solari.com/

11:04 - The Welsh Deep State Politics Police


Big Gee's Blog: - https://bit.ly/3SHPopa

VoW Article: - https://bit.ly/3AcI0L8

Reclaim the Media: - https://bit.ly/3p8WHsl

CC Article: - https://bit.ly/3dl8OQy

20:15 - UKC Viewers from Germany Raise Serious Concerns


AT Telegram Channel: - https://t.me/EastApp

Eugyppius Article: - https://bit.ly/3QyaTXr

C.J. Hopkins Article: - https://bit.ly/3zJpo3T

Reuters Article: - https://reut.rs/3BYeMRG

Telegraph Article: - https://archive.ph/RYOvf

Die Welt Article: - https://bit.ly/3vVAbH4

31:48  - The Growing European Biosecurity State


RtN Article: - https://bit.ly/3pbMKdQ

RTE PT Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3QdA95y

36:58 - Scottish Communities Abandoned


Telegraph Article: - https://archive.ph/NhpwN

AV12 Tickets: - https://bit.ly/3bKQZJY

PCPW Fundraiser: - https://bit.ly/3BVFMkB

40:07 - White Lives Don't Matter Apparently


Courier Article: - https://bit.ly/3zPB5pM

TPA Article: - https://bit.ly/3bIbJCa

Critical Race Theory: - https://bit.ly/3SBkuyN

48:07 - Real Racism Exposed


Patriotic Alternative NW: - https://bit.ly/3vWOKdI

PA NW post on Oldham ASBOs: - here

50:26 - The MHRA Spin Jab ADRs And Hide Data


UKC Yellow Card: - https://bit.ly/3QATjCo

MHRA Y/C Summary: - https://bit.ly/3vSWeOA

DS Article: - https://bit.ly/3doXTW5

UK CV Family: - https://bit.ly/3zKK7o0

Freeman Reports Video: - https://bit.ly/3PgCpaO

MHRA Board Meetings: - https://bit.ly/3PdjEFw

01:03:29 - Freedom Ended by Fiat


Manchester City Council Statement: - https://bit.ly/3Pb1KmB

CC Article: - https://bit.ly/3vTHcbk

CA Article 01: - https://bit.ly/3dm0tf7

Guardian Article: - https://bit.ly/3dlj8bb

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