25 Feb 2023

Jordan Peterson REPEATEDLY EDUCATES Woke Journalist!


1 comment:

  1. Interesting points about the Marxists. Sadly we can never discuss the huge elephant in the room on JewTube.

    Who were the Marxists, who was Marx. Who ran soviet era Russia? Of what background were the four murderers of the entire Russian royal family and what people of the same group were thought by academia until recently to hold over 87% of all positions of power in Soviet era Russia, until it was revised up to 95% in the last decade?

    I'll give you a clue, they were of the same religious group as Marx, Zelensky and Nuland and they were the group that oversaw the slaughter of over 100 million Russian Orthodox Christians. They were the Jews.

    Big elephant, few dare to talk about it in blunt terms, even Electronic Intefada, even If Americans Knew. If you do it openly on YouTube your comments will be censored.

    Voltaire said, if you want to know who rules you, ask who you may not criticise and if he didn't say it, I'm saying it.

    Apropos, however much I like Jordan, I cannot ignore the fact that he recently allowed himself to be bamboozled by the same group who run are regime that the South Africans since Mandela and more recently Amnesty International and many UN reports called apartheid, or worse than apartheid.

    I believe Jordan thinks that he's simply playing it smart, but I rather believe that, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Or worse, for otherwise good men to collude with evil...
