18 Apr 2023

In Just 8 Months Europe Is In Deep Shit + The United Nations Just Lost It's Fucking MIND With This

Redacted: Germany did not listen to Greta Thunberg. They shut down their nuclear power plants and will move forward with a return to coal. Some countries are playing hard politics with energy and some are not. Argentina and Finland are bullish on nuclear power but Germany wants to go backwards. Watch what happens when politics meets people's lives.





The United Nations Just Lost It's Fucking MIND With This

Redacted: The United Nations says that we should decriminalize all sex and drug-related activity in the name of human rights, including sex with minors. Oh and they want you to be able to poop on the street. Is this progress?

This comes from a United Nations organization called UNAIDS in [a report](https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/p...) released on March 8 to honor Women's Day. It is sort of a best practice suggestion for international communities on how to police ""conduct associated with sex, reproduction, HIV, drug use, homelessness and poverty."" The basic suggestion is: you don't.

This is a strange document but the strangest is Principle 16 which suggests no age limit for consensual sex. It also suggests no criminal penalties for sex work, buying or selling, and no criminal consequences for people who make money by other people's sex work. We used to call these pimps. Do we still?

The report further suggests decriminalizing all drug use and drug possession as well as leaving homeless people where they are to poop in the street.

And your right to live in places where people do not do drugs, poop on sidewalks, sell other people for sex, and have sex with minors? You don't have that right apparently. It sure does seem like the UN is in favor of social collapse, doesn't it?

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