6 Jun 2023

Kathleen Stock DESTROYS Oxford University Student 'GENDER IDEOLOGY DEBATE'

"50% of the imprisoned transgendered are in jail for sexual assault, far more proportionally than heterosexual males."

Christian Darnton


Angelos Agathangelou: Why misogynistic, why not misandric, after all it stems from the feminist and not the MHRA [men's human rights advocates] camp. 

MHRA's are concerned with the equal treatment of heterosexual [and homosexual] men who have no progenitive rights to speak of, pay more taxes and receive far less benefits, die younger, but not the wealthy who live just as long as women, have 4 times the suicide rate, up from a historic norm of 2:1, are the overwhelming majority who die in wars, may be ritually genitally mutilated with impunity as infants and so on. 

MHRAs are concerned that by every metric men are the oppressed in modern society, men always were thanks to tribal survival mathematics, but at least there was some respect for that in the past, now it's all downsides since feminists demand all the benefits without the responsibilities and let's face it that kind of perspective is very much more in line with transgenderism. 

It is also worth noting that homosexual men have far less violent relationships than lesbian women who have the most violent relationships of all. 

Feminists are so far gone that they have allowed biological males to dominate their sports in an attempt to prove how progressive and right they are. 

I think that the word you are looking for is misandric and it's a word we should understand and begin to use more often to confront pendulum swung completely the other way feminism. If any, the wildly self centred feminist movement is the root of the transgender movement and not the blatantly rational MHRA movement. 

Finally the problem here is men who feel that they are women born inside a males body, or men who are very much acting like women with all the female privilege that entails. So again misandric would seem to be the more appropriate adjective.

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