1 Jul 2023

“THIS IS OFF THE RECORD” Leaked Audio PROVES Trump Right!

Russell Brand says."They're [the lame stream media] missing the point once again. ...Is 'classified information' as significant as US plans for war with Iran."

Who could be pushing war with Iran. The Jewish apartheid regime's Lobby?

Russell Brand: As CNN broadcasts “bombshell” audio of Donald Trump appearing to brag about possessing still-classified military documents about Iran after he left the White House – are we actually sill in the same position as we were – a potentially illegal technicality about a potentially much more catastrophic – if not illegal – war with Iran?

AA: The answer to Russell's question of course is, no it's not, The Jew Lobby starting another war and raping our taxes and the lives of our soldiers yet again, for the benefit of Jewish elites and their fellow Zionist scum, just like with the Jew Zelensky and his "Ukraine = Big Israel" land grab, is far more important information. Let's turn the spotlight on the Jew Lobby that's pilfering our tax money in the west, for wars, nuclear wars, land grabs and apartheid!

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