7 Aug 2023

Great News: Nigeria's Senate Rejected War Against Niger + THE US IS A BULLY - People Are Fed Up, They Want Freedom

"Most African countries were divided. If they speak English their colonisers most likely Britain, if they speak French the colonisers most likely France, if they speak Portuguese, you understand how it goes and people are separated based on languages they have learned from colonisers unfortunately and most presidents work for those colonisers. As long as you do what they ask you to do, you supply them with the things they want, it's OK you can stay there for 40 years as a president, nobody is bothered by that,
but if you start working for your people, if you start building for your people, if you are a leader who sees the interests of your people first then you are the enemy, they don't like you, they call you all sorts of names, you are illegal, you are a dictator, same as Gaddafi, he was a person who worked very hard for his country, his people lived well, they paid no tax, just imagine and almost zero dollar to fuel, they lived in peace, but they did everything they could to throw them down, to topple him." - Zack Mwekassa
THE UNITED STATES IS A BULLY - People Are Fed Up, They Want Freedom

Zack Mwekassa

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