19 Oct 2023

Western Media’s Parroting Of Official Jewish Lies 'Hasbara' Is Paving Way To Genocide Of Christians & Muslims In Gaza

Yet another catastrophe looms because so-called journalists have failed to hold both the Jews' racist apartheid regime Israel and their own governments to account

Photo: The much hated Jew nobbled British Brainwashing Creeps.

By Jonathan Cook: How did we get to the point where Israel can order half of Gaza’s population – more than one million people – to move from the north of their tiny prison to the south of their tiny prison, in one of the most overcrowded places on Earth? Palestinians in Gaza were given 24 hours to do so or face dire consequences. 

The depopulation order is being treated as “advance warning” – a concept Israel has played around with for many years to mangle international law and legitimise its targeting of civilians. 

Anyone left in northern Gaza – children, the sick, the elderly, the disabled – will face a terrifying fate: either a rain of bombs or a ground invasion comprising hundreds of thousands of Jewish death troops seeking vengeance for the death of more than 1,300 Jews during Palestinian fighters’ attack last weekend, most of these murdered Jews it transpires, if Jewish eye witness survivors are to be believed, were murdered by the Jews' own racist and vicious army in a brutal own goal!

Western leaders talk a lot about the trauma of Jews – trauma their states were often responsible for – and the resulting need not to offend Jews by being critical of Israel. France and Germany have banned demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, and the UK is close to following suit

None of those leaders seem concerned that the families in Gaza currently being expelled live with the trauma of having been forced from their homes at gunpoint by Israel several times before, not least during the Nakba in 1948 and during the 1967 war. 

This latest expulsion order forces them to relive that trauma – as well as the terror of living under Israel’s bombs – not just in their imaginations but in the real world. They are being ethnically cleansed once more by their serial tormentor.

That is not hyperbole.

They have every reason to fear that this is not some temporary “relocation”, even assuming they can reach the “evacuation” zone and that the zone actually turns out to be safe. 

This risks turning into another Nakba, except the footage this time is in high definition and colour. 

For years, Israeli leaders have secretly worked with western allies to pressure Egypt to refashion the Sinai desert, next to Gaza, as a sham Palestinian state. Those machinations are one of the reasons Cairo has kept its short land border with Gaza so tightly closed. 

Now 2.3 million Palestinians will be pressed up against that border, clamouring for an exit from the killing fields. 

Greenlighting genocide

The path to how we got here was paved by western politicians and the establishment media. They have been giving the green light to Israel to do as it pleases.

Keir Starmer, who is married to an ultra Zionist Jew and is the Labour opposition leader and Britain’s likely next prime minister, forged the bipartisan political consensus in the UK last week by telling interviewers he supported Israel’s “right to defend itself” by implementing a “complete siege”.

The people of Gaza are being deprived of food, water and power, premised on the idea – articulated by Israel’s defence minister Yoav Gallant – that they are “human animals“. 

In other words, Starmer gave Labour’s backing to genocidal-style war crimes by Israel. 

On Friday, Grant Shapps, secretary of state for defence, went even further, if that is possible, by giving every appearance that he supports Israel’s right to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from northern Gaza. 

The legal adviser for Human Rights Watch, Clive Baldwin, observed that the depopulation order was being made when “the roads are rubble, fuel is scarce, and the main hospital is in the evacuation zone”. He added: “World leaders should speak up now before it is too late.”

But part of the reason world leaders have been under no pressure to “speak up” is because the establishment media have made no effort to hold their feet to the fire, even as Israel tramples all over international law, making a mockery of it.

In fact, when a Channel 4 TV crew chased Jeremy Corbyn in the street to ask him to “condemn” Hamas, the firm insinuation was that the former Labour leader was once again being outed as antisemitic – for reminding viewers that the rights of all civilians, including Palestinians in Gaza, should be protected.


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