22 Nov 2023

Andrew Tate Spends Long Interview Being Brow Beaten By Zionist Jewish Apartheid Regime Super Shill Piers Morgan +

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Angelos Agathangelou: For the record, do I condemn Hamas? No I do not. Simple. Clearly Hamas are heroic freedom fighters and if the Jews had done to my people for over 3 generations what they've done to the Palestinians, I'd get medieval on their asses like Pulp Fiction and take the whole apartheid regime down a dark cellar and arse rape them for decades until their rectal passages were about a meter wide. Just like the Jews like to show us in Hollywood movies how they dream of arse raping Hitler with large pineapples, I'd shove whole pineapple trees up their arses, ...for decades.

If only the British people were fully aware that the Jewish lobby has been subverting our UK politics for just as many generations to suck our tax money into overseas wars and other stupid adventures to enrich themselves and how cheaply they buy all our crooked politicians, I imagine that we'd expel every last Jew and their slimy shills from the UK, but unfortunately it only takes the 20% of our population that you can fool all of the time for them to keep their evil gravy boat going that subverts our taxes and keeps our nation going down the tubes and making enemies around the world...

As long as Israel continues to exist there is clearly no justice in this world. FREE FREE PALESTINE!

N.B. The UK Jewish Chronicle says that its surveys show that 'Well over 99%' of UK Jews are proud Zionists...

No excuses need be made for my position. It need not be reiterated that we have seen Jewish survivors interviewed on Israel TV admit that the Hamas freedom fighters treated them very well considering and that it was the IDF who came bungling in and indiscriminately shot everyone, freedom fighter and Jew alike.

Even if the hasbara [the Jewish word for pro Israel propaganda] that the Jews' apartheid regime has been spewing were to be believed, I would still not condemn the Hamas freedom fighters, or call the Jews partying on stolen Palestinian land on the other side of the Jews' APARTHEID WALL innocent victims, I would call them colonialists supporting concentration camps containing Christian and Muslim survivors, colonialist who got their just deserts, whether it was from the Freedom fighters, or their own shameless murderous Jewish green shirts aka the Israel Death Forces IDF.



Piers Morgan v Andrew Tate In Romania

Piers Morgan Uncensored

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