11 May 2024

Ireland Snubs The Racist Jews' Apartheid Regime Israel, Makes Announcement In UN To Recognise State Of Palestine

Janta Ka Reporter: Ireland on Friday snubbed Israel and made a huge announcement at the UN on recognizing Palestine as an independent State.

This was announced by the Ireland ambassador to the UN after the global body overwhelmingly voted in favour of a full membership of Palestine.

The assembly adopted a resolution on Friday with 143 votes in favour and nine against – including the US and Israel – while 25 countries abstained. It does not give the Palestinians full UN membership, but simply recognises them as qualified to join.

According to Al Jazeera news, while the UNGA alone cannot grant full UN membership, the draft resolution on Friday will give the Palestinians some additional rights and privileges from September 2024 – like a seat among the UN members in the assembly hall – but it will not be granted a vote in the body.

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